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Rostelecom Contact Center reduced KDP costs by 5.5 million rubles due to the introduction of HRlink

Customers: Rostelecom Contact Center MC NTT Moscow Center for New Technologies and Telecommunications

Moscow; Telecommunications and communications

Product: HRlink Electronic Personnel Document Management System

Project date: 2024/04  - 2024/09

2024: HRlink Implementation

On September 16, 2024, HRlink announced that Rostelecom Contact Center had reduced KDP costs by 5.5 million rubles through the introduction of HRlink.

As reported, as of September 2024, the staff of the Rostelecom contact center has at least 6.5 thousand employees. The company has a wide distributed structure in terms of geography - it includes 25 separate divisions with a presence in all federal districts, while personnel specialists are not represented in each division.

About 70% of Rostelecom's contact center employees work remotely, and the functioning of call centers involves a fairly active turnover of personnel. All these factors significantly complicated the processes of hiring, registration of vacations, as well as dismissal. Candidates for the position printed and signed a package of documents from 10-12 sheets, after which they sent it to personnel specialists using a courier at the expense of the employer.

The decision to introduce personnel EDO was made to reduce the cost of personnel records management, as well as to make working with documents for employees and personnel specialists more convenient and comfortable. Rostelecom Contact Center considered proposals for the implementation of systems from two suppliers for paperless personnel document management. The cost of the solution, its functionality, ease of use were taken into account. In addition, it was important for the customer to place personal data of employees on the internal servers of the company.

After comparing the proposals, Rostelecom Contact Center opted for the HRlink platform. The introduction of personnel EDO took about six months. The personal manager of HRlink held four meetings with Rostelecom personnel specialists, during which she explained all the features of working with the system, after which another meeting was organized to answer questions from Rostelecom contact center employees. As part of the implementation of KEDO, the company also launched an information newsletter about the start of the project to implement HRlink through the corporate portal and social networks.

The pilot group for the transition to paperless KDP included about 400 people from divisions in the Central and North-Western Federal Districts, after which the project was scaled up to the entire company. As of September 2024, all Rostelecom contact center employees are connected to HRlink.

HRlink also helped Rostelecom contact center create a chat bot about KEDO, which was developed for newly arrived employees. In dialogue mode, a person can find out answers to frequently repeated questions, as well as find contacts of the specialist responsible for interacting with HRlink in the company. In order for the chatbot to be even more efficient, its development also used FAQ materials from HRlink technical support.

I really appreciate and respect the work of personnel. Processing the received applications on paper and in the scans e-mail on took a lot of effort from personnel specialists. With the introduction of HRlink, colleagues did not have less work - the volume of documents and KDPs remained the same. But the process has become many times more convenient, comfortable and faster. The risks of losing or not signing documents actually decreased to zero. In addition, in less than a year, we saved about 5.5 million rubles due to the costs of printing personnel documents and courier services.

commented Natalia Prigarova, Head of Human Resources Administration at Rostelecom Contact Center