Jet Infosystems signed the contract with "Bank Russian Standard" on support of IT infrastructure
Customers: Russian Standard Bank Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Jet Infosystems Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2019/06
On June 17, 2019 the Jet Infosystems company announced contract signature with "Bank Russian Standard" on support of IT infrastructure for a period of 1 year. The agreement will allow bank to consolidate management of IT systems, to increase quality of the provided services and to focus more on strategic tasks.
Careful audit of all IT systems of bank became the first stage of transition to the IT as Service model. In the course of the research the integrator offered the plan of upgrade aimed at the development of infrastructure and business applications.
The mappirovaniye, i.e. determination of all existing communications between levels of infrastructure, data and applications became the second stage. The carried-out work allowed to make the card of information exchange between systems and to prepare regulations of operation of an IT landscape, to document and approve work plans of IT service and also to create cross-functional teams of support from integrator.
The IT transformation started in bank will allow to move to qualitatively other service level of clients and to improve quality of IT services.
our services are interesting to bank because the created team of specialists fulfills increased requirements regarding availability of IT systems and speed of their service. The bank receives the convenient instrument of monitoring of the provided IT services and can expect examination of those specialists who work on its tasks, |
Reduction of time of the solution of requests and increase in availability of systems became the first result of work that affected quality of the services provided by bank. Thanks to optimization of work of IT-sluzhby bank it was focused on strategic development and started projects on upgrade of systems and their migration on the updated infrastructure.