Customers: SPB Contractors: Volgasoft Product: 1C: Management by objectives and KPIProject date: 2012/05 - 2012/06
Number of licenses: 15
The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
D.S. Petrov (Director)
Belov Alexander Germanovich (Cofounder)
Implementation of the software product "1C: Management by objectives and KPI" The management and staff of SPB company express special gratitude to specialists of Volgasoft company for the provided software product "Volgasoft: Management by objectives".
Our company used compensation by results in the practice. But constantly interested a question in creation of effective payment system. When choosing an automated system of calculation of compensation we relied, first of all on experience of the developer and functionality of the software product.
According to the results of work of the software product "Volgasoft: Management by objectives" there was an opportunity in real time to control work of all divisions of the company, to manage quickly the purposes and tasks of employees, to effectively increase results of work of all divisions. Along with it, interaction between divisions of the company improved, criteria for assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of divisions appeared.
In a work progress with the software, from specialists of the company we got timely advice on implementation and operation of the program, technical support was performed.
Our company expresses gratitude to the management of Volgasoft LLC and hopes for further effective cooperation.
Director of SPB LLC D.S. Petrov