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STC Russia, airline (Pulkovo) (Global-Salary)

Customers: Russia Airline

Product: Global-Salary

Project date: 2008/01
Number of licenses: 40


Preposylki of the project

In the spring of 2007 the management of federal state unitary enterprise STC RUSSIA was faced the need of the organization of work of a number of departments and services for a common information space. First of all it was caused by plans for increase in efficiency of work of services, need for business process optimization and also the general concept of implementation of the latest technologies at the enterprise. The previous software could not satisfy to the increasing needs for systematization of accounting and management. Support of the previous software based on low technologies was also not reasonable. The staff of the center information technologists met great difficulties accompanying outdated software, there were difficulties with maintenance of relevance of software to the changing legislation. Thus, the decision on transition to the new information management system by personnel and payroll which had to be started on January 1, 2008 was made.

Search and the choice of a new information system took place within several months and came to the end with agreement signature on automation using the Global "Salary and Personnel Management" System (Global-HRM and Global-Salary). It should be noted that the choice for benefit of the Global system was caused not only by broad functionality of a system, but also readiness of integrator to provide as much as possible deadlines start of a system in commercial operation. For achievement of this purpose in Business of Technology company the extended project team which got to work since September 1, 2007 was formed.

Project Progress

September, 2007

The development stage of the project documentation became the first stage of the project. The customer demanded development of detailed Technical specifications, consisting of several parts devoted not only to functional design of applications, but also such aspects – as requirements of reliability, backup and ensuring smooth operation of a system.

For September, 2007 the group of consultants developed Technical specifications, express inspection of all services of the Customer in which system implementation was planned is made.

Were lit with the developed Technical Specifications and annexes to it:.

  • The formalized description of an organizational functional structure and the main business - processes of the enterprise in the field of personnel management and payroll;
  • Offers and recommendations about improvement of rules of document flow and optimization business - processes;
  • System of types of payments of federal state unitary enterprise STC Russia
  • The description of a technique and algorithms of calculations of each type of the payments existing in airline;
  • The scheme of operation of the Global system describing basic approaches to reflection business - processes of the enterprise in
  • To information system, taking into account offers and recommendations;
  • Card of roles of users (Roly and functions of a system);
  • The schedule on transfer of information with indication of tables, files in the Istochnik-Poluchatel format
  • Requirements to ensuring safe and smooth operation of a system. Concept of setup of backup and synchronization of a standby server with basic.
  • Technical requirements on integration of a system with other enterprise information systems – MS AXAPTA ; OPEN SKY/crew, etc.
  • The detailed schedule of work on an implementation project of an information system at the enterprise.

October, 2007

Preparation for start of a system is carried out to trial operation. Within it were developed:

  • Regulations of system operation on main units of a personnel, managerial and settlement circuit;
  • Instructions of users on sections of primary start of a system.

At the beginning of October procedures of data transfer from the previous software of the Customer were developed. Distinctive feature of this stage was the fact that each department used own database which is not integrated with others. Consolidation of information from several databases in one and its transfer in the Global system was a task of specialists of Business of Technology Company.

In total 5 databases were "merged" together

It is separately necessary to note that jointly with the Customer's specialists, the project team carried out the detailed analysis of all databases regarding existence of discrepancies. About more than 40 different protocols of check of unambiguity of information and its correctness were issued. As a result in in the Global system the Customer obtained the single database verified and specified on all departments and services.

Besides, at the initial stage of implementation there was a problem of lack of the uniform reference book of an organization structure of airline allowing to set unambiguously compliance between databases of different departments. As a result of the done work the uniform reference book of divisions containing more than 500 positions arranged and coded according to the uniform principles, one of which – 4th-level hierarchy, was developed (Directorate – Service – Department – Group).

In the middle of October installation of modules in workplaces, user training to work in a System was performed. After completion of works on data transfer trial operation of a system in personnel department of airline was begun.

In parallel the Global system is installed in Department of work and salary (OTIZ) where maintaining an organization structure of the enterprise, maintaining the staff list, regular arrangement and the analysis of completeness of the state is automated.

At the end of October in department Otiz operation of functionality of the analysis of FOT and work with surcharges and allowances was begun.

Separately it should be noted the fact that the deliverable version of the Global system was improved under specifics and the Customer's wishes. Since the beginning of October according to Technical specifications the development team - programmers started implementation of the additional functionality allowing to save the traditions of accounting and document flow admitted to the organizations and also considering industry specifics of airline.

November, 2007

Information input section about a worked time and working schedules is brought into trial operation. All diagrams existing in airline were revealed, analyzed and arranged. The uniform qualifier of diagrams of working time was created and developed.

The Global system allowed is automated to make more than 40 diagrams of different degree of complexity:

  • Diagrams of five-day business week
  • Diagrams of six-day business week
  • Replaceable periodic diagrams (2 through 2, day through three)
  • Difficult non-periodic diagrams

Except diagrams, a lot of work on optimization of the scheme of time keeping connected with specifics of its maintaining in airline was performed:

  • Sheets are formed not only on divisions, but also on aviagroups and aviasquadrons;
  • The uniform qualifier of appearances absences was developed;
  • The regulations of maintaining time keeping at the enterprise approved by the order of the director were prepared

Besides, from the middle of November preparation for start in trial operation of section of payroll (settlement department of accounting) is made. The overload of necessary information in a subsystem of Global Salary (payroll) is made. The reference book of types of payments and "the table of a vkhodimost" of the enterprise is configured, algorithms of calculation of charges and deduction are tested.

December, 2007

Since the beginning of December trial operation of the Global system in settlement department was begun. At the end of November user training was made. After the centralized training, also training at places, and work in test base was made.

With the maximum participation of consultants the stage of "parallel input" of information in a system was organized by users of settlement department of a number of divisions. At the same time, according to requirements of the Customer, the increased load of users during this period was minimized.

To the middle of December setup of algorithms of calculation was finished and their careful testing was organized. Test payrolls began to be made. Their results underwent careful check on each payment type and on each employee. Moreover, consultants Business of Technology made detailed reconciliation of all calculation results in the old and new systems.

The made check showed readiness of a subsystem of payroll for input in commercial operation, on condition of elimination of the revealed errors.

January, 2008

Since the beginning of January the Global system begins to be used as the main instrument of payroll and tax payments. Specialists of Business of Technology company made an overload of calculation results for all 2007 in the Global system. According to requirements of the Customer the reporting under UST and the PIT for 2007 will be received using the Global system.

By the beginning of January careful testing of algorithms of calculation was finished, control calculations are made and a system is introduced in the mode of commercial operation. The substituted systems stop.

Separately it should be noted the professionalism and high devotion of consultants of a kompniya Business of Technology which allowed to minimize load of settlement department of airline during this responsible period.

At the end of January, 2008 installation of the Global system on the sections which are not covered earlier was made. A system is installed in group of a military and accounting table and also.v to group of the personified accounting.

February, 2008

After February 10 when in the Global system the first month was "completely closed" the project entered the final stage. At the same time from the Customer before Business of Technology company a number of additional tasks was delivered.

In particular, it was required to provide delivery of information on the PIT for 2007 in electronic form from the Global system, when understanding that fact that a system in 2007 was not operated. For successful implementation of this task in Global the PIT for all 2007 according to contemporary records of settlement department was recalculated and also its careful reconciliation with calculation results in a last system was made.

Besides, check of address these employees and their reduction according to the KLADR standard (the all-Russian qualifier of the addresses) was organized, compliance to which is required for transfer of data 2-NFDL in electronic form.

March - April, 2008

During the period March – April, 2008 the Business of Technology company performed a number of the completions in a system connected with acceptance at the enterprise of the new collective agreement controls submission of reports to FTS in electronic form unloaded from a system, performs chief control and work with users on places.

Besides, the Customer (jointly with specialists "Business of Technology) organizes the detailed step-by-step system testing on each section which is made out by protocols on testing according to points of Technical Specifications.

The Customer paid special attention to study of the project documentation. The task as much as possible to document the implemented system for further work in airline was set for consultants of Business of Technology company. For this purpose individually under the Customer not only sets of instructions on jobs, but also a set of the regulations regulating an order and the sequence of actions of users, their responsibility, standard situations, possible problems during the incorrect work in a system were developed.

In the middle of May, 2008 the project on implementation of the Global HRM and Global Salary systems (personnel management and payroll) in STC Russia airline successfully came to the end. The project began on September 1, 2007 and proceeded 8 months. At the same time since January 1, 2008 the Global system was actually transferred to the mode of commercial operation, in it all time and personnel account of airline was completely kept, payroll calculation and taxes was made.

In March – April, 2008 preparation and unloading of information in electronic form (2 PIT) for 2007 was performed and also complex step-by-step testing and acceptance of each of sections of a software package was made. Special attention was paid to ensuring fault tolerance of a system: to setup of a standby server synchronizable in real time (StandBy mode).


Today salary and personnel system modules of Global are the working tool about 40 users. A system keeps account on all structural units of airline (more than 500 different groups, departments, sections) in which thousands of employees work, as in the territory of the Russian Federation, and abroad.


Special attention is deserved by short terms of start of so large-scale project – in 4-5 months a system was actually transferred to the mode of commercial operation. Project finish also took place without uniform day of a delay.

Today the Global system in Federal State Unitary Enterprise STC RUSSIA airline it:

  • 40 users, among which personnel department, group of the personified accounting, human resources managers, department of work and the salary, settlement department of accounting, a military and accounting table, economists, norm setters and some other specialists;
  • More than 170 configured and tested types of charges and deduction;
  • About 150 configured and tested reporting forms;
  • Data on a worked time for each day of a month on each of 5000 (approximately) employees (a system automatically processes more than 150,000 records of sheets a month and nearly 2 million records a year);
  • Average time of calculation of one employee no more than 2-3 seconds;
  • Powerful functionality of recalculation of previous periods, adjusting the sheet for last months;
  • Uniform base of all structural divisions of airline, including representations in the Russian Federation and foreign, containing more than 500 organizational structural elements of different levels (group – department – service – directorate)
  • About 300 different reference books and qualifiers;
  • 25 magazines of electronic documents (orders);
  • 50 sections of a personal card of the employee;
  • The accessibility in real time to information which is contained in the database on any section from any workplace, according to the access rights granted to the user.

Source Reference

The project of STC RUSSIA is complete successfully and just in time.