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STIHL implemented technology of contact center

Customers: STIHL in Russia

St. Petersburg; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: Call Center Infinity

Project date: 2010/08  - 2010/12

On April 13, 2016 the Andreas Stil Marketing company announced results of implementation of the Call Center Infinity platform as call center. The project is implemented in 2010.

Project Results

Our clients in Russia are several million end consumers and wide network of specialized dealers. For support of our clients in 2010 we created the special hot line 8-800-4444-180 providing operational consultations on functional features of our products and points of its implementation of 11 hours in day. For us the service level and service, in its all-inclusive sense, are the same important aspects of business as goods quality therefore for call center we approached the choice of the platform most responsibly. Successful work experience in the Russian companies and also an optimal combination of the price and level of opportunities were the main criteria. As a result we stopped on the solution Infinity.

Advertizing STIHL (2014)

Till 2015 the company used basic functions of the software Infinity (IVR, telephone statistics, a call recording, etc.), and the additional information was still fixed in the configured table Excel. In 2014, with transition to the new version of the call center of Infinity, the organization had an opportunity to implement the uniform registration form of addresses which specialists "Andreas Stil Marketing" did not fail to use.

According to the results of the carried-out completions we received the interface of incoming request configured under us which is started automatically when the call arrives, or manually if the operator wants to bring the entering e-mail. A part of data in a form is substituted automatically, including phone, the region, call time, an interval of day, the request number, and the rest is filled by the operator, selecting from the list different parameters. We use the request number in further working off of questions from the consumer if intervention of our staff of department of external or technical services is required, and other data are necessary for the analysis and correction of our work.

In addition to the convenient uniform registration form we received the most complete reports on activity of our consumers and their features with a binding to dates of activity, time and regions of our country. Now, thanks to this analytics, we see where and what is a problem, and we can quickly react. Or, for example, to trace when and from where we are called, and to change operating time of our hot line. So we also made since December, 2015, having shifted changes of operators with time necessary to us, having raised a share of the received calls.

We are going to develop further customer services for our consumers, and are sure that the call center of Infinity will be able to help us with it.
