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Sber completely imported Nginx Plus with the decision of Sber Tech

Customers: Sberbank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Sber Tech: Platform V SynGX

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/06

2024: Nginx Plus replacement

Sberbank completely replaced the foreign product Nginx Plus with a high-performance web and reverse proxy server Platform V SynGX from Sber Tech. As of July 2024, more than 4 thousand Platform V SynGX installations have been deployed in Sberbank, including systems with a high level of criticality. The product is used in more than 300 automated Sberbank systems. The bank announced this on July 23, 2024.

Platform V SynGX is used in Sberbank to ensure fault-tolerant operation of the site and other highly loaded online services of the company. Platform V SynGX is responsible for proxying and routing requests, load balancing, providing static files, and caching responses to requests.

An important advantage of Platform V SynGX is the ability to add its own query processing logic in Lua and JavaScript. This allows you to increase the flexibility of using the product when interacting with other systems and solve problems for complex high-load scenarios without using additional tools.

{{quote 'author = said Kirill Menshov, senior vice president, head of Sberbank's Technologies unit. | Sberbank consistently implements a strategy for import substitution of foreign solutions and the transition to the products of the Platform V digital cloud platform from Sber Tech. Digital transformation based on Platform V products allows us and our customers to reduce the cost of system development and operation, accelerate the time of product launch with a single development environment, unification of rules, and availability of ready-made components and tools. Platform products can also be used separately as a reliable replacement for foreign solutions,}}