Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Neoflex Consulting (Neoflex) Product: IBM SPSS Decision ManagementProject date: 2011/01 - 2011/04
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The Neoflex company developed the solution for carrying out the analysis of the corporate loan portfolio of Sberbank of Russia, including specialists of territorial banks. The project is executed within "The program of creation of the centralized data warehouse of Sberbank of Russia".
With increase in volume of crediting of legal entities the relevance of a task of management of the corporate loan portfolio of Sberbank of the Russian Federation increased. As a result, there was a need for solution development for formation of the detailed analytical reporting under the loan portfolio of legal entities and providing to territorial banks opportunities for its preparation.
Solution development was charged to Neoflex company which [%D0%A0%D0%A4 %28IBM WebSphere%29 ранее| %D0%A0%D0%A4%28IBM WebSphere%29] already executed [%D0%A0%D0%A4 %28IBM WebSphere%29 ранее|earlier] the project for Sberbank of Russia on development of the integration solution for technology of crediting Credit factory.
The solution developed during the present project provides carrying out the comprehensive analysis of the corporate loan portfolio of Sberbank of Russia, in particular, allows to analyze the loan portfolio on quality categories of the credits, types of credit products, ranges of interest rates, etc. and also to create lists of the largest borrowers on branches of the economy and other analytical signs.
"The project implemented by Neoflex company allowed to increase considerably the speed and frequency of preparation of the analytical reporting under the loan portfolio of legal entities. Now, when this reporting is prepared not only by specialists of central office of bank, but also the staff of territorial banks, we could begin to improve our management processes concerning crediting of legal entities and also to look in a new way at quality management processes of data", – Gennady Shilov, the project director of Finance department, the program manager of creation of the corporate data warehouse of Sberbank of Russia commented on project deliverables.
"The project is executed in very short time, in only 3 months, – Oleg Ruban, the area director of BI of Neoflex company reported. – One of requirements to the contractor consisted in carrying out acceptance tests of the solution on real data that imposes additional obligations on the contractor. Successfully fulfilled these obligations of Neoflex".