Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Sberbank of the Russian Federation (Viad@tWMS)

Customers: Sberbank of the Russian Federation

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: First Line Software
Product: Viad@tWMS

Project date: 2012/09


In the logistic Tomilino complex in the Moscow region Sberbank created the automated archive of the documentation. It was stated by the First Line Software company speaking at these works as integrator. All work in storage is performed by robots.

Prerequisites of the Project

Before creation of uniform archive the staff of Sberbank at the Moscow offices had to wait for documents up to three weeks (time left on search in different platforms), now this term was reduced till several o'clock. According to the contractor in comparison with traditional archive the area of storage is reduced more than by 4 times, and the average time of obtaining documents on demand - by 15 times.

Obliges to store paper copies of documents in addition to digital mediums banks the Russian legislation. According to the contractor, banks are obliged to store some papers up to 70 years from where there are problems of creation of such huge complexes.

Project details

The archive occupies about 11 thousand sq.m. from the total area of a complex of 53 thousand sq.m. Robots are responsible for search among 2.3 million boxes or 40 million folders with documentation. On each square meter of racks 12.4 m high there are 100 such boxes. After receiving a request specialized cranes pilers select required trays, bring them to robots and store trays back. Robots in turn take away from trays necessary a box with documents, send them on the pipeline to office part of the center and vice versa, from office redirect to cranes pilers. In a zone of storage the atmosphere with the lowered oxygen content for protection
of a warehouse against the fires, rodents and insects is created. In total 16 cranes pilers and 8 robots work at a warehouse. The number of employees people was laid off three times - from 146 to 60 people. The head of the logistic direction in First Line Andrey Kazachkov from similar projects in Russia called storage of the Bank of Russia and Your House shop on MKAD.


A number of the companies participated in works on creation of robotic archive of Sberbank. A general contractor is spetsializaruyushchayasya on real estate administration and logistics the Aytaks company, and the avtomatizator of logistic companies "Megastor" acted as the developer of technological solutions. As a management system the solution Viad@tWMS of the German Viastore Systems is used. The Russian First Line Software was responsible for customization, adjustment and start of a warehouse.

Project budget

Costs for the project of the party do not open, the integrator calls the share insignificant in comparison with capital costs. Sberbank purchased the premises for a warehouse in the summer of 2010 for $39 million at the Austrian Immofinanz.