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How Sberbank`s platform of support of business developed in 2018. Results of implementation

Customers: Sberbank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Project date: 2015/03  - 2018/12


The Platform of Support of Business Development (PSBD) of Sberbank integrates in itself processes middle-and a back office of bank, creating technology components and product factories for rendering services to clients. This platform is one of key and strategic in IT infrastructure of Sberbank.

2018: Results of development

In 2018 reliability and performance of the platform of support of business development (PSBD) were provided, contracts of 100% of the priority components necessary to start the circulation of product factories on external clients are confirmed, Sberbank the report on the activity for the 2nd quarter 2019 reported.

Also in 2018 the platform switching gears for work in the Stand-In and Stand-In mode of applied factories allowing to continue in case of incidents work without interruption of customer service were implemented.

The frontal systems of all 14 thousand offices of bank began to work with a uniform profile of the client. The list of the products connected to PPRB in the test mode including transfers to individuals, acquiring services, salary projects, deposits and conversion transactions of legal entities was significantly expanded. In addition, in 2018 the large-scale circulation of business functionality was begun.

Project Objectives

The senior managing director of SberbankMikhail Hasin, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on May 31, 2016, told about the program of creation of "Platform of Support of Business Development" (PSBD). It provides revolutionary transformation of all applications entering Core Banking circuit. In development the newest technologies of distributed computing in memories and operations of applications with large volumes of data in real time –In-Memory Data Grid are applied.

Mikhail Hasin on TAdviser SummIT on May 31, 2016

The purposes of reengineering of the platform which Sberbank expects to complete in 2018, - reduction of terms of an output of new products to the market, reduction of total cost of ownership of the automated banking system, increase in level of hands-off processing of transactions. It is going to replicate the new platform on all group of Sberbank.

The main premises to reengineering of the bank platform Mikhail Hasin called development of inter-chip digital links and growth of number of mobile devices. The last become a window to the world, he says: clients want to receive through them various services including financial. It forces banks to change - from the model of business which is making a start from products, to pass to model in which center of a customer need and also creates for them new technology calls.

One of key calls for banks - the huge growth of volume of transactions in peak loads, Hasin noted. By estimates which he gave for the last 10 years the volume of transactions at Sberbank increased practically by 100 times. From here also new requirements to bank platforms among which - almost unlimited scalability, 100% availability of systems, a fast and flexible output of new products to the market follow.

Slide from Mikhail Hasin's presentation

In traditional IT architecture to implement so high customer-centric functionality costs very much and takes a lot of time: "The largest banks of the world were realized that if not to do essentially new reengineering, then very quickly their market share will decrease". Allow to make technology jump the in-memory computing technologies intended for distributed computing on a large number of the equipment and allowing to work with data in memory. They allow to provide new performance level, scalabilities, fault tolerances, Mikhail Hasin says.

Sberbank is going to complete reengineering of own platform according to new calls in 2018. Its target architecture includes 4 layers. The first is a layer of universal multi-channel business logic, Hasin says. This window which the client faces and which allows to display new functionality to all canals of bank – offices, mobile bank, contact center and to the partner canal.

Slide from Mikhail Hasin's presentation

The second, key layer – a business hub – contains a uniform profile of the client, his data and all business logic of work with the client, with his products and packets of tariffing. The third layer consists of product factories which represent the scalable engines processing transactions. Among them – factories on the credits, deposits, transfers, etc. The last layer – the factory of data including unstructured data from different sources which the bank analyzes and uses for more effective offer to the client.

Such architecture gives the chance to provide absolutely new types and scenarios of service, Hasin noted. He gave a case when the person on Twitter told about desire to go to Mexico as an example. This information from social network gets to factory of data, all information which Sberbank has about this client rises in in-memory in a client profile, existence of a contact information of the client then he, for example, receives SMS or e-mail that he can take the credit is analyzed, purchase the tour from the partner company and location of the nearest Sberbank branch where it can be done.

Slide from Mikhail Hasin's presentation

Similar scenarios begin to develop and become complicated more and more and in order that to implement them, the different mechanisms of machine learning allowing it to develop afterwards personal offers for clients are built in a business hub.

Any platform of new generation, according to Hasin, should have open API as banks develop so-called marketplaces or aggregators when together with the partners begin to sell not only financial, but also adjacent services, such as travel and insurance. It is especially relevant because the ecosystem of banks expands and there are many persons interested to write the proprietary applications connected with bank services.

О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT which passed on May 31, 2016 was visited by more than 240 people – heads and experts of the commercial and state organizations. Within the action more than 30 reports were submitted. Among speakers – representatives Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, "Sberbank" Pension fund Federal Treasury "Helicopters of Russia" , etc. In the foyer of the summit there took place the exhibition of the IT companies. In completion of an action smartphone Tonino Lamborghini 88 Tauri the draw worth about 200 thousand rubles took place.

TAdviser SummIT was visited in total by more than 240 people

Шаблон:Subject Sberbank
