Customers: Setl Group St. Petersburg; Construction and Construction Materials Industry Contractors: SetlTech Product: BIM projectsProject date: 2024/08 - 2025/02
2025: Pilot project to automate the process of forming certificates of work performed based on BIM model data
SetlTech (part of the Setl Group holding) has launched a pilot project to automate the process of forming certificates of work performed based on BIM model data (technologies for information modeling of buildings). Setl Group announced this on March 11, 2025.
The start of the development of the digital service was announced by the company in September 2024. As part of the pilot project, a full cycle was completed - from the creation of a BIM model and the preparation of a tender to the formation of as-built documentation by the selected contractor on the fact of the work performed.
The developed service from SetlTech connects data from BIM models with data from the SetlSoft ICONA program (developed by SetlTech for construction control from the moment of planning the schedule to the acceptance of facilities), compares it with the results of the scope of work and automatically generates an act of work performed. The implemented solution allows you to significantly save time and guarantee the accuracy of data.
We have created a BIM model that fully meets our data upload requirements and interaction with SetlSoft ICONA. The solution allows you to automate the unloading of the terms of reference for the tender from the BIM model, form an electronic KS-6, and after completing the work using synchronization with SetlSoft ICONA, create an automatic KS-2, as well as a set of as-built documentation - all this in a single ecosystem, - said Vitali Yershov, Construction Director of Setl Group. |
When creating the service, a single information field was formed for structuring and consolidating data from different structures of the holding.
This decision is part of the construction management eco-system and will significantly save budget and reduce construction time without loss of quality, - said Sergey Staroverov, General Director of Setl Tech (part of the Setl Group holding). |
The technology will be integrated into all new projects of the company. In addition, the product is planned to enter the open market to solve the key task - to improve the quality and reliability of construction projects through an advanced digital solution.