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Beeline Business implemented for SGMK and its partners the integrated M2M-solution on monitoring of transport

Customers: Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company (SMMC)

Contractors: Beeline Business

Project date: 2012/04

The VimpelCom company (Beeline Business) announced the implemented project for the Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company (SMMC) and its partners performing supply of scrap metal to iron and steel works of the country. Within the project Beeline Business developed the non-standard M2M-solution on monitoring of the freight vehicles transporting scrap metal.

The solution on the automated monitoring of vehicle fleet is integrated with an internal system of accounting and also with own cartography of SGMK and vtormet.

Thanks to the implemented monitoring system of freight vehicles the company solves, first of all, a problem of safety of transportations for all participants of traffic. Besides, on the basis of the created system target use of cargo transport, fuel consumption and other will be controlled. On the basis of data regulations and itineraries will form.

"For us road haulage is a service both in the company, and for our partners in the market. Accomplishment of agreed time frames, control of safety of loads and low carrier cost creates competitive advantages in the market, and transparency of transportations using automonitoring for our suppliers, gives objective value assessment of goods taking into account service for delivery, – Victor Poryadin, the deputy finance director of UK "SGMK" says. – The distinctive feature Beeline Business is that they offer service in providing automonitoring to information, excepting intermediaries, and product development happens individually under specifications of the customer that allows to optimize initial investments at minimum risks in a type of reliability of the company. Thanks to the implemented joint solution the diagnostic control system for personnel of all levels taking into account their functional duties and participation in road haulage is created that allows to do quality evaluation of service to customers of autoservices and improves self-checking at the level of contractors".
"The project on equipping of SGMK vehicle fleet an automated system of monitoring is a bright example of how the Russian companies use the innovation services for optimization of the production processes, and we, certainly, are glad to it, – Andrey Patoka, the vice president for development of corporate business VimpelCom shares. – In spite of the fact that VimpelCom is large corporation with the built product portfolio and services, we are really ready to finish already available solutions or even to create absolutely new services under individual tasks of our customer as it was made for SGMK and its partners".