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Skaylab (Smart-Soft: Traffic Inspector Next Generation)

Customers: Skaylab

Samara; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Mont
Product: Smart-Soft: Traffic Inspector Next Generation

Project date: 2019/05  - 2019/10

Skaylab LLC is federal network of kliniko-diagnostic laboratories. The main task of the company – providing objective and reliable results of medical researches to clients.

Reasons of the choice of Traffic Inspector Next

Medical laboratories work with personal data of clients and according to the Federal law "About Personal Data" of 7/27/2006 N 152-FZ should provide their integrity, availability and confidentiality. Selecting security protection of data, Skaylab considered several options among which there were products of both domestic, and foreign vendors and also Traffic Inspector Next Generation, the developed Smart-Soft.

Taking into account qualifying standards for purchase the universal gateway of security (UTM) by Traffic Inspector Next Generation FSTEC S100 — certified FSTEC programmatically-hardware the complex including firewall proxy server and a number of other important functions was selected.

Implementation process

In Skaylab the normal firewall was already used, and transition to Traffic Inspector Next Generation demanded consultations with a support service Smart-Soft. One of tasks which needed to be solved in the course of implementation — authentication on the proxy server through the Active Directory. However for the unclear reasons to achieve it it was not possible: Traffic Inspector Next Generation could not be connected to the domain controller in any way.

Finding out an error source, engineers of support recorded unusually large number of connection attempts to the server and drew to it the attention of the network administrator Skaylab.

According to the recommendation of technical support engineers of Traffic Inspector Next Generation I glanced in the event log of security of the Windows server and was taken aback: unknown hackers already couple of days brutit admin password, trying to get into our network. Find out who and why broke us, time was not. I switched to other Internet connection, closed ports using Traffic Inspector Next Generation, and the attack stopped,

– Ruslan Sibogatov, Skaylab company speaks


After completion of implementation the company received the working solution for protection of corporate network against cracking and data theft, however considering rich functionality of Traffic Inspector Next Generation and high loading of specialists of the company, Skaylab's IT service masters product capabilities gradually. But already now the company is happy with results of implementation and quality of work of Technical support service Smart-Soft.