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St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange automated meetings and meetings with the Areopad system

Customers: St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX)

St. Petersburg; Trade

Contractors: Digital Design
Product: ISCO Areopad Information System of Collegial Bodies

Project date: 2024/12  - 2025/02

2025: Implementation of Areopad Meeting Management System

On February 21, 2025, Digital Design announced the introduction of the Areopad meeting organization system at the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX). The project took less than 2 months to complete.

As reported, SPIMEX is one of the largest commodity exchanges in Russia with an extensive structure of divisions. As of February 2025, 99% of organized trading in oil and oil products, petrochemicals, gas, coal, timber, metals, building materials, agricultural products and mineral fertilizers in the country is carried out through it.

In December 2024, the Exchange came to the need to improve the efficiency of the process of holding meetings and votes of collegial governing bodies and working groups in structural divisions and decided to implement the Areopad system from Digital Design. The priority criteria for choosing a software product were the ease and speed of installation and configuration, as well as the functionality for organizing meetings in a remote format.

As a result, SPIMEX switched to holding meetings in a single information space in February 2025. Members of collegial bodies and working groups got the opportunity to remotely take part in face-to-face and absentee meetings. All the functionality necessary for this is available, including on mobile devices: using a phone or tablet, you can view materials, vote on agenda items, leave a special opinion.

The labor costs of the meeting organizers were also optimized. Using Areopad, secretaries can form a meeting calendar, invite participants, prepare and approve agendas, upload materials for consideration, configure rights and track voting progress, create protocols, extracts, questionnaires and other documents according to templates, send instructions based on the results of decisions made. The system sends notifications about any changes and transfers to users' e-mail, and the organizers do not spend time on appropriate notifications. All parties involved can now work with sensitive information without the threat of leaks. The system uses encryption to protect transmission channels and data storage locations, delimitation of access rights based on the role model, authorization of users by login and password, logging of changes made to meetings and documents.

Areopad helped us optimize the effectiveness of the meeting process and significantly reduce resources for holding them. The secretaries have the opportunity to make real-time changes to the materials of meetings and voting issues, prepare accompanying and reporting documents. With Areopad, it is easier to build a well-coordinated interaction of units and control the processes of implementation of decisions made. Now the participants of the meetings can remotely familiarize themselves with the issues under consideration, in advance, at a convenient time for them, give comments and vote even on issues containing information limited access.

noted Igor Belousov, Senior Vice President of JSC "SPIMEX"

All of our Areopad implementations offer ease of system scaling. Experience shows that for large companies with a developed organizational structure, this is important along with functionality. This project was no exception. The St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange may at its discretion use Areopad for any number of divisions, legal entities and advisory bodies.

commented on Ph.D. Olga Gordeeva, Sales Director of Digital Design