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Portal-Yug completed the project of complex automation based on "1C: ERP Enterprise Management" at "Steel works of Balakovo"

Customers: Steel works of Balakovo

Metallurgical industry

Contractors: Portal-Yug
Product: 1C: Document Flow 8 CORP
На базе: 1C: Document Flow 8

Project date: 2019/07  - 2020/09
Number of licenses: 400



Project completion of complex automation

On September 15, 2020 the Portal-Yug company reported that it together with steel works of Balakovo completed the project of complex automation based on "1C: ERP Enterprise Management". This system is integrated about "1C: Document Flow", a MES system and other information systems of the company and also with the melting equipment, automobile and railway scales. Operational accounting of production and warehouse transactions is provided. Strict control of quality of raw materials and products at all production phases is organized. In a project deliverable processing orders of clients, supplier orders, orders for production and orders for a material transfer and products between warehouses three times accelerated. Accelerated approval of agreements of buyers and suppliers. Production scrap is reduced by 5%. Besides, by 8 times expenses were cut down on I will support IT infrastructures of the company.

According to the company, earlier for operational accounting and management in the company the European ERP system was used. Costs for its maintenance made 1/3 from the total amount of administrative expenses, and the functionality lagged behind the growing requirements of the enterprise more and more. A lot of time left on processing orders of clients and supplier orders, orders for a material transfer and products. It productions negatively affected execution of purchase plans, sales also. Accounting of production operations and quality control of raw materials and finished goods was not automated, masters of workshops had no exact and up-to-date information about course of production, the current remaining balance, a condition of equipment, the diagram of transactions, resource requirement, etc.

The information system which would allow to accelerate order processing was required for the enterprise, to reduce time of approval of agreements of suppliers and buyers, to organize operational accounting of the warehouse and production operations connected with acceptance and processing of scrap metal, metal melting, accounting of energy resources, quality control of raw materials and products.

For the solution of assigned tasks the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management and 1C: Document Flow systems and also the Metal Accounting MES system developed by IT department of the plant on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform were selected. The Portal-Yug company became the partner in implementation.

It was necessary to transfer the plant from a foreign ERP system on 1C:ERP in the minimum terms. Process of transition was complicated as technology differences in architecture old and the updated information systems, and need of change of methodology of accounting at the enterprise. It was required to develop difficult rules of data transfer for overcoming these difficulties, to rebuild the system of the normative reference information accepted at the enterprise, a cost structure, budget items of cash flow. As a result the project was successfully implemented in only 5 months. A system is unrolled in 400 workplaces in all divisions of the enterprise.

Key results of the project:

  • Seamless integration of 1C:ERP and "1C: Document Flow" allowed to optimize work with documents and to reduce time of approval of customer orders, supplier orders, orders for production and orders for a material transfer and products. Need of document transfer from department in department manually disappeared, all actions for document handling (approval, execution, acquaintance, etc.) are executed in electronic form on the approved regulations now. If on order processing earlier and approval of agreements of buyers and suppliers left 6-7 days, then now on it only 2-3 days are required.
  • In 1C:ERP and the Metal Accounting MES system the specialized automated jobs for accounting of production and warehouse transactions are implemented. It simplified and accelerated work of masters and storekeepers of workshops. For example, a workplace Production planning helps masters of workshops to calculate the term of accomplishment of each order for production, in the automatic mode creates orders for movement of procurements of the specified source (production or purchase) and also displays the need for production for clients and for other workshops. A workplace Shipment allows masters of workshops to control quickly work of storekeepers of workshops (shtabelirovshchik) on shipment (movement) of products.
  • Quality control of raw materials and products at all production phases is automated. In a system results of quality checks are fixed, the number of the revealed defects is considered, statistics of the reasons of its emergence is kept. A system automatically traces whether quality check of the next batch of raw materials and products is executed if defects are revealed - raw materials are not transferred to production, and products are not shipped to the buyer. Quickly allows to trace a status and operability of the equipment integration of 1C:ERP into the melting equipment. The amount of production scrap is reduced by 5%.
  • Besides, operating and administrative expenses were significantly cut down: lower cost of ownership and maintenance of products 1C in comparison with foreign information systems reduced costs for support of IT infrastructure of the company by 8 times, and transition to electronic document management to 20% reduced clerical expenses.

Implementation of 1C:ERP allowed to increase efficiency of activity of "Steel works of Balakovo": we could implement a control and management system for costs, integrate work of production, a warehouse, departments of logistics, purchases, sales. A system ensures functioning of the enterprise within the current legislation in the field of accounting and tax accounting and provides the management of complete, reliable, timely information about all indicators of activity of the enterprise.

Victoria Petukhova, the chief accountant of Steel works of Balakovo noted

Implementation 1C: Document Flow 8 CORP

Implementation "1C: Document Flow" was made by Steel works of Balakovo during a transient period when refused the system of SAP and passed to software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

For solving of tasks and satisfaction of needs of the customer the following works were offered and implemented. By a methodical part:

  • the changed scheme of work with the entering and outgoing documents;
  • access rights of users in the 1C: Document Flow program are differentiated;
  • regulations on work with the internal, entering and outgoing documents are developed.

By a technology part:

  • the standard configuration "1C: Document Flow" regarding work with internal documents, autosubstitutions, settings of access rights is finished;
  • complex business processing of internal documents is configured;
  • additional reports for job analysis of users are created;
  • rules of autocompletion of internal documents are developed and configured;
  • integration with "1C is configured : Enterprise management 2"

As a result of implementation work was completely automated with documents (processing, registration, storage), work with processes and tasks. Functions were automated:

  • Office-work.
  • Reporting.
  • Differentiation of access rights.
  • Work with processes and tasks.
  • Work with files.

A system is put into commercial operation. The following is planned blocks for automation and scaling of already started blocks.