Customers: Steklostroykomplekt Dzerzhinsky; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2011/07 - 2012/02
The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) completed an implementation project of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system in Steklostroykomplekt Ltd company.
The multilevel accounting allowing to control product quality regarding compliance to requirements, existence or lack of defects at each production phase is necessary for the enterprise.
Earlier production account was kept in the "self-written" program which did not meet all requirements of the enterprise. In particular, there was no job order accounting of production. An inventory control was kept manually, accounting of materials requirements therefore if the storekeeper was mistaken at calculation of stock remainders, execution of orders was delayed for a long time frame was not organized.
Accounting of production process and processes of creation of orders were separated into two bases that created difficulties at synchronization of data: production timely did not obtain information on planned activities, and managers did not obtain operational data on degree of readiness of orders. Besides, there were difficulties with payroll calculation for the production workers earning a reward depending on development.
The company management made the decision on implementation of the new software product which would allow to organize operational accounting of production and stock balance, would allow to plan materials requirements and also to accelerate payroll to the employees. After market research the Russian software product "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" (1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management) allowing to solve assigned tasks with the minimum completions was selected.
The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) having successful experience of automation of manufacturing enterprises became the partner in implementation.
The project is executed in seven months, a system is implemented on production, in financial and commercial services, in a warehouse, in supply division and department of payroll.
Operational accounting of stock remainders is as a result organized. Computer-aided planning of materials requirements provided uninterrupted intake of raw materials and materials in workshops. A new system allowed to organize operational accounting on all stages of technology process. Now the quality of component parts is checked after each production operation therefore situations when because of defects of one glass order fulfillment was delayed for several weeks, are excluded. Production orders are executed on average 1.5 times quicker.
Operational accounting of stock remainders and material requirement planning is organized that improved quality of supply of production with raw materials and materials. Now materials uninterruptedly arrive on production, and orders are executed just in time.
Besides, a system allowed to organize payroll by the production worker taking into account specifics and the cost of specific transactions. Each operation on production of glass has the cost which depends of 10-20 parameters of specific items and their quantity. Now time of payroll was reduced from several days to 10 minutes.
Andrey Kononov, the deputy CEO of Steklostroykomplekt Ltd so speaks of the project progress: "The staff of 1C: Accounting and Trade (BIT) not only could understand in details specifics of accounting in our company, but also implement all our tasks most effectively and quickly. What is important, integration of a system into the program of optimization of cutting of glass which is used by production and also into the machine was configured are flexible a frame and milling processing of glass. One of the main results of implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 is operational obtaining information on activity of the company, including reports on all stages of production process. Further we intend to continue cooperation with 1C: Accounting and Trade (BIT) and we plan system implementation of barcoding and accounting of the difficult orders having the specific nonlinear sizes".