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Svyaznoy and Delivery Club started express delivery of the equipment

Customers: Svyaznoy Group

Project date: 2019/12  - 2020/06

2020: Start of express delivery of the equipment

On July 2, 2020 the company "Svyaznoy" reported that it together with delivery service of food Delivery Club starts the goods delivery from internet- shop. It is one of the first experiences of cooperation in Russia between retailer in a segment of high technologies and service for delivery of food. Besides, for Delivery Club it is work experience with partners in a format only logistic of service: clients Svyaznoy will do orders in online store or in mobile application the retailer, Delivery Club will be responsible only for their delivery.

Delivery time of the order from Svyaznoy will not differ from normal delivery time of dishes from restaurant and will make of 30 minutes. For the beginning of July, 2020 residents of 12 districts of Moscow can already make the order in Svyaznoy with an option of delivery by couriers of Delivery Club, and in the nearest future all city will be connected to delivery using Delivery Club. In plans of partners — expansion of geography and connection to logistic service of Svyaznoy shops in all cities of work of own logistics of Delivery Club. Couriers of service will deliver goods up to 10 kilograms.

For clients of Svyaznoy process of the order of goods will not change. In online store and in mobile application at order placement the special option of express delivery will appear. For orders worth over 1 thousand rubles delivery is performed free of charge.

This service of express delivery will allow our clients to receive the orders for read time. The dense covering of the cities Svyaznoy shops and logistic opportunities of our partner allows to achieve such result. High speed of delivery significantly improves client experience on "the last mile" and opens additional opportunities for development of our logistic network — the director of the department of development of products of e-commerce of Svyaznoy company Alexey Antropov comments.

begins With this project transformation of logistic service Delivery Club as a result of which it will expand a pool of the partners at the expense of the nonfood companies. For July 2, 2020 we work in more than 70 cities of the country, and our processes are focused on expediting en order. Cooperation with us – one of the methods, most available to the companies, to start express delivery service. We see in similar projects and great advantage for our couriers who will be able to execute more orders and to earn more — the operating officer of Delivery Club Mukhit Seydakhmetov comments.
