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"Tape" tests the system of navigation for buyers

Customers: Tape Network of retail

Product: Zebra PS series Personal terminal of the buyer
Second product: Film Scan

Project date: 2020/06  - 2020/08

2020: Navigation system testing

The Lenta network started navigation system testing for buyers. On August 26, 2020 representatives of Lenta reported about it to TAdviser. According to them, the solution is used for the first time in Russia.

System testing of navigation is held in shop on Obvodny Canal in St. Petersburg. The buyer using the scanner for independent purchases sees on the device the card of a trading floor, location of different departments and products and the location concerning them. In general the technology is designed to make shopping more convenient and more comfortable.

"Tape" tests the system of navigation in shop

The solution is created on the basis of already existing Film Scan service and integration of the mobile devices Zebra PS20 with a lighting system. Ultraprecise positioning in premises became possible thanks to the technologies integrated into LED lamps. Using the Visible Light Communication (VLC) system lamps radiate the coded light signals. The Zebra device with Film Scan service decrypts information on location of the buyer and displays his position on the card of shop in the solution FLMS created by NCR company.

Ultraprecise positioning in premises is provided with technologies, integrated into LED lamps

The company is going to test possibilities of building of a route of the buyer proceeding from the planned list of purchases, search of specific goods in shop and determinations of the shortest route to these goods. The solution also allows to announce buyers promotion actions depending on location in shop, the additional information about products which are near the buyer.

"Due to navigation use we not only give to the buyer an opportunity to save time in shop, but also we come to the next stage of assessment and the analysis of consumer experience. A system helps to increase efficiency of personnel thanks to optimization of workflows. The data collected in shop on flows of the movement and behavior of buyers and employees can be used for improvement of a design and transactions of shop", - the director of digital innovations and IT Sergey Korotkov noted.