Customers: Russian Investment Bank (Rosinbank) Bishkek; Financial services, investments and audit Product: Circuit of information security of SearchInform (KIB SearchInform)Project date: 2017/09 - 2018/02
On April 3, 2018 JSC Rosinbank announced the implementing solution "KIB SearchInform" for confidential data protection. In addition to protection against leaks of critical information a DLP system is faced by problems of control of employee occupation and prevention of abuse of job responsibilities.
Earlier the organization used a system of accounting of working time, however the tool controlled insufficient number of channels, badly detailed incidents and brought together weak evidential base.
"First of all, we selected a system with ample opportunities of search and strong analytics which well would set interrelations between events. And KIB offered such tools. At first we estimated flexibility of a system, having configured security policies without involvement of the developer, and after – analysis depth. KIB reconstructs events and allows to set unambiguously parts of incidents and all involved". |
Among selection terms to which satisfied "A circuit of information security": minimum influence on the system of the controlled PC, ease of the interface and advantageous conditions of maintenance of a product. Rosinbank security service also uses a system for the solution of additional tasks – control of the atmosphere in collective and a time recording in regional offices.