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Experience of automation of medical examinations in Yelabuga

Customers: To physicians, Kama diagnostic center

Yelabuga; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: BARS GROUP
Product: BARS. Clinic

Project date: 2010/03
Number of licenses: 60

Informatization of preventive actions in medical institutions is one of the relevant tasks facing modern domestic medicine. Reduction of time of document creation and for performing medical examinations and maintaining card files of patients in electronic form became important milestones in its solution.

Since 2010 in "The Kama diagnostic center to Physicians (Yelabuga, Tatarstan) the medical information system "works as BARS. Clinic". This software solution became the reliable instrument of automation of medical examinations within specific medical institution.

In 2010 the leaders of the diagnostic center made the decision to automate department of prevention as routine preparation for periodic surveys occupied the most part of working time.

It was necessary to solve the following problems:

  • leaving from "manual" filling of papers and magazines;
  • maintaining electronic cards of medical examinations;
  • operational viewing results of fluorography and other researches;
  • formation of basic reports (quantity undergone medical examination, again revealed diseases, the number of researches, etc.).

For carrying out automation the most optimal and modern solution – a medical information system "was selected by BARS. Clinic", developed by BARS GROUP. The software package is intended for consolidation in unified information environment of administrative and medical and diagnostic processes in clinic. A system allows to obtain operational and reliable information about all facts of delivery of health care, to keep electronic medical records of patients, to optimize work of polyclinic departments and automatically according to a system to prepare statistical and analytical reporting.

Work on automation "The Kama diagnostic center to Physicians was performed in two stages. At the first stage a system "was installed by BARS. Clinic", adapted to routine medical examinations.

After its end employees could keep the electronic map of the patient which stored in itself all data of results of inspection, and at loss of the out-patient card there was always an opportunity to quickly recover it in electronic form. Besides, a system allowed to keep track of quantity the taken place medical examination, again revealed diseases, the number of the conducted researches and visits that gave the chance to see the general dynamics of the state of health of clients of the diagnostic center.

A system included the list of harmful factors according to the Order of Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of the Russian Federation No. 90 of 3/14/1996, having selected which, the necessary specialist and necessary researches is automatically appointed. Results of researches are brought in a system in real time. The diagnosis is made strictly on class MKB-10 (The international classification of diseases).

When closing the card, suitability to work with the specified harmful factors is taken out, recommendations which are considered in the final act on periodic survey are made. Each patient on completion of medical examination receives the decision.

The second stage included completion of a system "BARS. Clinic" in connection with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302n of 4/12/2011 changing an order of passing of routine inspections. A system was corrected, and allowed specialists of the center:

  • work according to the new List of harmful and dangerous production factors and works approved by Order 302n;
  • create printed forms "The final act", "The conclusion based on preliminary (periodic) medical examination" and also "The passport of health of the worker" according to Order 302n;
  • keep account of a professional route of the worker.

Thus, in "The Kama diagnostic center to Physicians about 60 jobs were automated. System "BARS. The clinic" consolidated in itself the high potential of work and wide functionality, allowed to exclude completely errors at a design of medical examinations (scoping of inspections, medical examination cost). Considerably reduced time expenditure of personnel by a design of medical examinations. Specialists of the diagnostic center had an opportunity to quickly create reports on rendering services and detection of pathologies that saved them from need to carry out routine work.