Customers: United Metallurgical Company (UMC)
Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELAR ContextProject date: 2016/03 - 2017/09
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Project Tasks
"OMK is a large holding which lion share of the general document flow is made by technical documentation with long term of storage. Earlier all originals were stored in divisions that strongly complicated search and access to documents, – the head of department affairs of OMK Tatyana Filimonova tells. – For the purpose of optimization of this process we conducted a research which showed that the document storage order in the company is not systematized: in divisions storage lives are not observed, there is no due consideration and registers of the stored documentation, executives in charge are not defined. The decision to transfer originals of technical documentation to storage to the central archive of the enterprise, and to automate process of use of documents was made"[1].
Documents at the enterprise are extremely demanded therefore it is very important not just to guarantee their safety, but also to increase convenience of work. Centralization of storage of originals was the simplest project task – it was solved creation of uniform archive. It was much more difficult to systematize accounting and to automate processes of adoption of documents for storage. At the same time it is very important to provide to archive service an opportunity to quickly provide project and estimate, design and operational documents to all interested users regardless of in what territorial subdivision of holding they are.
OMK already had a successful experience of automation of the general service center (GSC) of financial accounting. Thanks to restructuring of accounting division and implementation of modern technologies it was succeeded to reduce significantly costs and to increase efficiency of accounting. At the moment documents come to uniform accounting from all production sites of the company in already scanned type, paper goes to archive at once. Acceptance to accounting in the ERP system is made on a basis the scan copies which develop in the specialized system of electronic archive. The electronic archive provides reliable storage and quick access to all financial documentation of both specialists of the enterprise, and regulatory authorities. And search and viewing documents can be performed directly from ERP systems with which the electronic storage is integrated. At the moment the system of electronic archive of accounting of OMK covers 5 regions, more than 7 thousand users and 30 legal entities, about 30 million documents are stored in it.
Features of technical document flow
Decided to go to OMK on a similar way and to implement the system of electronic archive of technical documentation which in addition to storage and access to electronic documents will allow to automate processes of document transfer in archive as in paper, and in electronic form. It is unconditional, simple to take and copy the system working in accounting it was impossible – it was necessary to construct absolutely other business process considering features of work with technical documentation, its classification and structure. As documents from such archive are extremely demanded, it was necessary to optimize structure of storage, to create the convenient system of search and to develop a specific role model of access to information objects for specialists of different level.
The design and project documentation, as a rule, is attentively browsed by the user therefore a system should support display of different file formats, the interface for work with electronic copies should be convenient and clear. Much attention it is necessary to pay security of information, to data protection and their version control and also issues of long-term storage. It is necessary not to forget about integration and synchronization with the reference information from external information systems. Ideally it is necessary to implement such solution which will allow not to think of paper, and to work only with electronic resources, thereby having ensured safety of originals.
Thus, it became clear what for the solution of all assigned tasks will be required not boxed, but absolutely new, the solution is individual. As OMK already used in the work electronic archive from ELAR, at implementation of electronic archive of technical documentation the decision on continuation of cooperation with this developer was made.
Choosing a Solution
The electronic archive of technical documentation of OMK is constructed on the domestic ECM platform "ELAR Context" which is included into the register of domestic software and meets all necessary requirements for security and performance.
The first stage of implementation began with installation of a system at one of the OMK enterprises – Vyksa Steel Works. In a short time deployment of electronic archive and its volley filling was made by a demanded part of retrofund. Then a system systematically was improved and extended. "The technique of fast start and flexibility of the platform allow us to break implementation into several stages and in the shortest terms to provide the customer with the operable and filled system, – the head on work with the industry of ELAR corporation Maxim Ivanenko tells. – At the first stage the basic configuration is developed and filled with documents. Users have an opportunity to work in a system at all stages of implementation. By the time of commissioning of the project when all necessary functionality is implemented, the customer receives the "live" and operated system. It is important that during this time users get used to it, and it is much simpler to develop and support such system".
In electronic archive functions of version control, quick search and convenient viewing documents are implemented. The rubrication for document retrieval according to qualifiers of the equipment and products which were transferred from the SAP TOPO and MDM system is implemented.
The reference books by employees and divisions which are stored in SAP HR are synchronized. Integration with WSS Docs electronic document management system regarding migration of reference books and search of the documents which are stored in electronic archive from the EDMS interface is made.
Archivists solved the problems: automated registration and accounting of technical documentation. Now in archive a complete order, all documents are accepted according to the inventory which is created in the system of electronic archive both for electronic, and for paper documents. Paper documents are scanned. Details and electronic copies of documents get to a system, and paper – on racks. Thus also the current filling of electronic archive is implemented. "The electronic archive allowed to reduce risks of plunder of documents and to reduce labor costs on storage, accounting, search and selection of documentation by 30%, – Tatyana Filimonova tells. – Along with it, due to release of the areas, expense reductions on lease, purchase of the paper and cartridges, economy on service of the equipment, were significantly reduced finance costs by the maintenance of paper archive".
It should be noted that the consolidated electronic archive is and increase in efficiency of production processes. Directly on production sites specialists get online access to documentation in electronic form. They are provided with a possibility of collective work with documents and selection of information directly in a workplace. Long requests for providing paper documents sank into oblivion – all necessary is in a system.
The project in Vyksa Steel Works (OMK VSW)
The main article System deployment and primary filling by popular retrofund in VSW