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- it is difficult for to revaluate a role of contact center in Internet business


Product: Call Center Infinity

Project date: 2013/02  - 2013/03

Nikolay Fedotkin, the head of, announced the reasons and results of implementation of Call center of Infinity on April 3, 2013.

From the first person

"In our business the Call center plays an important role as not less than 75% of sales happen by phone. Earlier we used quite simple system of readdressing of incoming calls on mobile phones of employees, with growth of the company and increase in number of operators such approach became for us not really convenient and in 2011 we decided to pass to the modern solution on service of telephone calls. The choice fell on Call center of Infinity from Weathervane Sale company. As CRM the product of Terrasoft company which is completely integrated with Infinity was selected. It is necessary to tell that at a start stage we had no regular IT specialist and any experience in use of similar solutions, despite it we managed to implement successfully a system and to begin to work. As a result we got the following advantages:
  • The quantity of the lost calls was reduced from 15% to 2-3%;
  • The total call recording reduced quantity of errors of operators almost by 4 times that saved to us a considerable amount of money;
  • Work of operators became much more convenient, it strongly reduced time of the post-call processing;
  • The call center became more managed – there were tools using which we can easily keep track of quality of work both all department, and individual employees;

Separately it would be desirable to note two moments: thanks to the qualified technical support all those questions and difficulties which steadily arise at implementation of a system, any, new to the organization, were quickly closed for what to specialists of Weathervane Sale many thanks. The second moment – to us was required to transfer not so long ago Call center to other region, for cost reduction, and with Infinity it was implemented quickly and simply, a system is very mobile.

I am completely happy with the choice of the platform for contact center and is sure that we also in the future will continue cooperation with Weathervane Sale company", - Nikolay Fedotkin told.