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Sberbank removes Citrix software and transfers 150 thousand employees to the Russian virtual desktop infrastructure

Customers: Sberbank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Uveon Termidesk

Project date: 2024/09

in Sberbank September 2024, he began the process of transferring 150 thousand of his employees to the Russian infrastructure of virtual desktops, abandoning the use of foreign ones. software Citrix The domestic solution Termidesk, developed by the company that UVEON - Cloud is part of PJSC, replaced. "Astra Group" The goal of the project is to ensure the stable work of bank employees on the Russian platform virtualizations of jobs.

The main reasons for choosing Termidesk were the high performance of the system, which supports more than 100 thousand connections at the same time, and its ability to optimize connections through its own Tera protocol, even on weak communication channels. Also among the advantages of Termidesk are high fault tolerance and the presence of the "Aggregator" component, which simplifies system management and increases its reliability.

Sberbank switches to Russian infrastructure instead of Citrix

The introduction of the new system takes place for Sberbank employees almost imperceptibly, thanks to the careful study of all stages of the project by the Astra Consulting team. This allows the bank to maintain uninterrupted operation and the usual workflow for its employees.

Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President and Head of the Technologies Unit of Sberbank, noted that the bank always strives to implement the best solutions that meet its requirements. In this case, the replacement of Western software with Russian developments guarantees the stability of the provision of services to bank customers and maintains high service standards. The transfer of employees to the new platform is scheduled to be completed in early 2025.

Ilya Sivtsev, General Director of Astra Group, stressed that the financial sector for the company has the highest priority, and cooperation with Sberbank expands the possibilities and expertise in the implementation of large-scale IT projects.[1]
