Volga hydroelectric power station uses a professional recording system of telephone negotiations
Customers: Volga hydroelectric power station
Contractors: Vocord Product: Vocord Phobos AudioProject date: 2008/03 - 2008/05
On July 30, 2014 the Vokord company announced results of implementation of a professional recording system of telephone negotiations of VOCORD Phobos Audio by request of JSC Volga Hydroelectric Power Station.
Project Tasks
The project on equipping of Volga Hydroelectric Power Station began the multichannel system of audioregistration VOCORD Phobos Audio in 2008.
Project Results
For July 30, 2014 on Volga Hydroelectric Power Station the VOCORD Phobos Audio system is effectively used for registration of dispatching negotiations of operational service and controls 10 external telephone lines among which there are five digital and five analog ports that, in total, makes more than 500 phone numbers. A system registers, both external negotiations, and negotiations in the company.