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Wildberries artificial intelligence Eva Weilet processed 3 times more user messages in 2021

Customers: Wildberries

Product: RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Projects

Project date: 2021/01  - 2021/12

2021: Results of contact center robotization

Artificial intelligence Eva Vailet from Wildberries processed 3 times more user messages in 2021. The company announced this on February 7, 2022.

6 out of 10 user messages in Wildberries are already answered by artificial intelligence.

One of the most important projects of 2021 was the further "robotization" of the contact center and the development of Artificial Intelligence (artificial intelligence) - Eva Weilet's chat bots, which is' responsible 'for processing incoming messages.

In total, in 2021, the Wildberries contact center received over 12 million messages, which is 1.5 times more than in 2020. At the same time, if in 2020 the share of AI messages processed was 36%, then in 2021 it increased to 58% (42% were processed by contact center operators).

The Wildberries audience is actively growing - it is already about 113 million visitors (MAU) - respectively, the load on the company's contact center is increasing. Three years ago, we developed and launched our own solution - artificial intelligence Eva Weilet, who 'took' most of the routine tasks, the Wildberries press service said.

The obvious advantages of AI are the quick processing of messages and sending a response to the user. Most of the requests relate to the delivery dates of orders, terms of purchase, methods of payment and return - these tickets are successfully closed by Eva Vailet. If AI is unable to respond to the user's request, it is forwarded to the contact center operator. Thanks to Machine Learning's self-training, the proportion of messages processed by artificial intelligence will continue to grow.

According to the forecasts of Wildberries developers, in 2022 Eva Weilet will have processed at least 70% of incoming calls. In addition, the complexity of tasks will increase due to deeper integration of AI and CRM.