Customers: Zerno of Belogorie Contractors: Centrprogrammsistem (TsPS, CPS) Product: DIN: AgroholdingНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2012/11 - 2013/11
Number of licenses: 20
The Zerno of Belogorie LLC enterprise is included into AGROKO group (Moscow) and is engaged in agricultural production and trade of grain. Production is directed to cultivation of grain, leguminous, oil-bearing crops, sugar beet on the area more than 30,000 hectares.
Having studied the offered technologies and offers in the market, specialists of Zerno of Belogorie LLC company stopped the choice on the Agroholding IAS software product with automation of 20 jobs.
During the period from November, 2012 to May, 2013 implementation of regulated accounting on subsystems "Accounting tax accounting", "Traveling and accounting sheets of agricultural works", "Payroll calculation of employees of the organization", "Accounting of shares" therefore the Customer received the single system of accounting integrated with an equipment monitoring system was made. Works included holding exit practical lessons with specialists of Zerno of Belogorie LLC, data transfer from the old systems, integration with equipment monitoring systems.
Regarding works on preparation for cleaning works on connection of the weight equipment to IAS Agroholding on a grain flow are carried out to the village. Big.
In the summer of 2013 works on connection of scales to IAS Agroholding in the village of Forest Ukolovo and the village are performed. Round, and the data exchange mechanism with peripheral databases and completion of a subsystem of accounting of agency agreements is also developed. Total quantity of the automated jobs 20.
Use of a system Agroholding in integration with monitoring systems of the equipment allowed the management of management company to increase effective management of the agro-industrial enterprise.
Now the client is given information and consulting support on the implemented subsystems.