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Zetta Strakhovaniye simplified interaction with agency network using Synerdocs

Customers: Zetta Strakhovaniye (Zetta Insurance, before SK Zurich of Zurich Insurance)

Contractors: Directum
Product: Synerdocs
На базе: Directum (EDMS/ESM system)

Project date: 2016/03  - 2019/02

2019: Automation of exchange of acts of the performed works

On March 4, 2019 the company "Directum" reported that service Synerdocs helped insurance the company "Zetta Strakhovaniye" to simplify interaction with agency network and accelerated document handling by 10 times.

Many insurers increase the customer base, developing agency networks. Strategy works: agents have a high motivation on customer acquisition, they are not tied to office and can hold meetings in any convenient location. Repeatedly insurance service from the agent is ordered more often than the manager has companies. However in the scheme there are features. Agents send to the principal (insurer) a set of reports. That is in turn obliged to accept them, to approve, process, charge remunerations. Specialists of the company spend on these transactions a lot of time and forces.

The obvious solution – automation of work with agents, in particular – acceleration and simplification of document flow with them. With this task the management of Zetta Strakhovaniye LLC addressed the Synerdocs command in 2016. In February, 2019 the first stage of works during which the company automated exchange of the acts of the performed works (APW), and with agents of different patterns of ownership – individuals, SP and Ltd company is completed.

"With Synerdocs implementation, the share of the signed acts in a month increased from 40 to 80%, and the term of processing of acts was reduced to two days. Earlier waiting of signed copies of documents on paper could take up to several weeks. At the same time earlier printing of one document of the company cost 1.26 rub for the sheet, and after implementation of these costs is not present at all. And at last, sending papers cost to the agent 26 rub for a packet, and in Synerdocs service decreased to 5.6 rubles".

Nikita Konovalov, manager of projects of Zett Strakhovaniye

All procedures connected with sending, signing and approval of acts take place in the web client of Synerdocs. At each stage the service creates notifications on receiving or delivery. Their formation and use by two parties provide the legal importance of document flow.

Electronic document management simplified interaction of Zett Strakhovaniye with agents. The solution allowed the company:

  • lower direct costs on printing and sending the transfer switch;
  • accelerate processing and approval of acts;
  • exclude losses of documents when sending;
  • reduce risks of a compromise of the transfer switch and also judicial proceedings with agents.

According to information for March, 2019 business process automation in Zett Strakhovaniye continues. Specialists of Synerdocs help to connect partners of the company to electronic document management, works on integration of service of exchange with a corporate information system are planned further. Thanks to it users will be able to receive, sign, approve and send documents in one window – without switching to another software.

2016: Beginning of implementation of Synerdocs

Automation of work with agents in Zett Strakhovaniya was about to happen long ago. There were problems with untimely delivery of paper documents, acts were long prepared, terms of approval of reports dragged on. Discomfort was felt also by the agents forced to come regularly to office with paper documents or to send them by mail at own expense.

In August, 2016 the pilot project on transition of the company to electronic document management started. Two applicant operators of electronic document management took part in it, and involved agents with different pattern of ownership in exchange – natural persons, SP and Ltd company.

At the end of October a choice was made for benefit of Synerdocs.

The Synerdocs command coped with training of agents for work in the web client of service, – Maxim Solovyov, the Synerdocs project manager notes. – We issued digital signature certificates, developed the instruction with a registration procedure, held the training webinar. It became guarantee of receiving specific improvements by Zetta Strakhovaniye company already at a pilot stage:

  • terms of approval of reports and payment of remunerations to agents accelerated;
  • necessary reports in read seconds began to subscribe and go through service;
  • failure from paper and mail services excluded risk of loss of documents.

In plans at Zett Strakhovaniye to develop the project further – to integrate Synerdocs with a corporate information system and the agency web portal and also to centralize release of digital signature certificates.