Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Sadovnikov Semyon Pavlovich



Sadovnikov Semyon Pavlovich
Sadovnikov Semyon Pavlovich

Main article: Music history in Russia

Gardeners, Semyon Pavlovich is the Russian singer (tenor).


Sang a large number of phonograph records. Sang romances by Ya.F. Prigozhego and other composers, sometimes in the duet with the brother Pyotr. Addressed the Russian, city song.

Created and headed men's chorus, the mixed chorus. Wrote the Gipsy romances, accompanied by a guitar, national songs with orchestra of balalaikas.

On the first Soviet plates Muzpred (1924 — 1925) wrote 17 works, among them — revolutionary songs "Brothers", "Yesterday's Slave".

Addiction to a hunting with hounds

Sadovnikov was a passionate fan of a hunting with hounds, and hated mathematics. Memories of Semyon Pavlovich were left by his friend, Nikolay Petrovich Pakhomov. Here what he wrote in the[1]:

Happening since 1904 at all exhibitions of hunting dogs in Moscow and being interested mainly in hounds, I could not but pay attention to dogs of S.P. Sadovnikov who usually exposed 3 — 4 hounds.

At the 7th exhibition of the Moscow society of hunting of Gardeners exposed pack of the Russian cheprachny hounds in 6 bows among which two vyzhlovka were especially selected; one of them — Govorushka, typical, pedigree, good growth, on excellent legs and with the dry fine head, was just decoration of an exhibition.

I remember how I and many hunters, was struck by refereeing of N.P. Kishensky who gave a prize for the best vyzhlovka to the Canary of A.I. Romeyko whose all hounds occurred from Kishensky's dogs. In protest at this obviously partial refereeing in "The hunting newspaper" two notes of which it was specified in one on S.P. Sadovnikov's vyzhlovka, and in another — on L.V. Zhivago's vyzhlovka which, according to authors, were incomparably best of all romeykovsky were published.

At the 9th MOO exhibition at which only one vyzhlovka — Govorushka was exposed by Sadovnikov — my acquaintance to it took place.

I heard a lot of about Sadovnikov of interesting, heard that it has a wonderful tenor that he acts as the crooner of the Russian songs that in posters he is steadily called "a bayan of the Russian song".

I knew that he is a passionate hunter with hounds, heard that he, as well as all artistic, generous natures, is inclined to some recklessness and that sometimes, after some too broad gestures, runs aground, should live, as stated, "from hand to mouth", but that even these heavy minutes hounds at it are always fed, always in a good body and as it should be.

Said that it repeatedly wide hand helped the friends at a difficult moment, without caring for that little, they will be able to give or not.

With grief heard also that intemperate life, lack of any attention to themselves adversely responded by its voice, and it passed to sing on more modest stage.

And here somehow time when we with friends after the examinations which are successfully passed at the university decided "kutnut", we came to be in Alkazar, a third-rate vegetable marrow at Triumphal Square. To the people there was a little, and we without effort occupied a free table near a scene.

Numbers were colourless, it was boring for us, we were not able to drink much, and we already thought of departure as we suddenly from a scene proclaimed that now the favourite of the Moscow public "a bayan of the Russian song" Semyon Pavlovich Sadovnikov will act.

And here on the stage, met by an applause, there was an owner Govorushki — Senya Sadovnikov as all Moscow called him. On it there was a caftan all sewn up with stones, with a high collar, the deep silk shirt girded by a silk blue lace, red high morocco boots — a word, some amalgam from a seigniorial suit and an opera suit not the robber, not "Vanka key keeper".

He entered and, somehow molodtsevato having taken leave on a public applause, started singing the pleasant, getting into soul tenor:

Because of the island on a midstream,

On a scope of a river wave,

Came up painted

Stenki Razin boats...

From all its large, wide figure, from his Russian person blew as some naughty force and, at the same time, some tenderness so all public was beforehand indulgent to his already little cracked tenor and with delight, having become slightly tight, zaty breath, listened to the words of the predatory song telling about the ataman's feats about liberty, recklessness and Stepan Razin's daring, from scope who threw the Persian princess into the Volga waves.

And in how he sang as he transferred this song, something native was heard, some Russian daring and grief, something from wide fields and the boundless woods of our Homeland.

The hall violently applauds, and Sadovnikov gives smiles to the right and on the left, nods already directly to us, our table. In a few minutes the waiter approaches me and, bending down, whispers to me on an ear: "So Semyon Pavlovich Sadovnikov ask: whether they can sit down by your table?"

And here "the bayan of the Russian song" sits near us in all magnificence of the variety suit, and on our table views of all hall are turned.

And we have heart-to-heart talks on a favourite subject — about hounds. His eyes shine — he quickens, remembering work of the dogs, a modulating voice of the favourite of a vyzhlovka the Solovki and a mighty bass of the vyzhleets of Shatala, and tells several tender, sincere words in a praise to my pack which saw at an exhibition recently.

At parting after invariable "brudershaft" it gives me a card on which it is removed in all growth in the not "seigniorial", not a "predatory" suit in the bottom of which stood: "A bayan of the Russian song — S.P. Sadovnikov".

It overturns it and by a pencil on the back does a text: To "Companion on passion N.P. Pakhomov from osenisty vyzhleets of S.P. Sadovnikov".

And this text sounds so as if it as the patriarch, blessed me, young, on a difficult, but worthy feat. We kissed each other, touched, both with wet eyes. Clinked glasses and cut for "the Russian hunting", for "the Russian hound".

There passed years. We met again when neither it, nor at me had no hounds any more. Voice it did not have too, he could not appear on stage any more, he lived very badly and was engaged in the photo which fed him. It did it badly, not professionally, somehow and without wishing, obviously, to seize this skill. He removed mainly rural lyud which paid it in products, or removed, already for money, dogs at the familiar hunters.

There was he the regular customer of Hunting club of t-va "The Moscow hunter" and the same regular customer of dog exhibitions. Gonchatniki it was well known and loved, invited to remove the dogs and puppies, and it, he as if condescending, preplokho removed them, abusing photographic materials or the inept owners who did not manage to show properly a dog. But willingly forgave it its failures and paid who as could and than could, and Sen, or Senechka as all called him, was somehow interrupted.

All of us very much wanted to facilitate by some method to it life. Try to make of it the judge on hounds at exhibitions it was hopeless as all well knew that by inherent kindness and softness of character it cannot offend someone, and he will be glad to all to award the highest awards. But he hunted with hounds much, hunted not in a lordly way, at close range, on Sundays, and living for months in the village, vanishing on hunting on the whole days, all night long, perfectly knew where it is necessary to intercept a hare, understood work of dogs — and, therefore, quite could be one of three judges on field tests of hounds.

And here he is elected to one of the first tests. I had to inform him of the table of a quotation accepted on tests in which each separate quality of a hound, somehow: the runner, intuition, viscosity, a voice, etc. — had the score assessment.

I remember how he angrily frowned when I explained him these digits and as he waved away from me, as from a tiresome fly.

  • Yes understood, understood — here you will see — he said, confoundedly smiling, and ran to a glass of beer which was brought to it by one of his uncountable friends.

... And here in one wonderful autumn day we in the forest, on test of hounds. His jacket is drawn by a belt, in hands a huge cudgel, the heading somehow ozorno, sideways, is pulled over one ear, in a mouth an invariable tubule. Neither to give, nor to take Stenka Razin in the autumn forest before attack on a wagon train of merchants.

I give a signal in a horn, and the bow of hounds is outlined in a grassy secha, and we, judges, disperse in different directions more widely to embrace forest roads and break-throughs that in different points to become witnesses of work of the tested dogs. I followed dogs to observe them in a runner and to define their dobychlivost. Xin with group of hunters it began to be pleased by a track to a cross glade.

Dogs quickly enough lifted as then it appeared, an experienced white hare and at once set on him a big circle. On the second circle hounds descended from hearing, and I with other judge began to be served in the direction of run. Senechka beat off somewhere.

Through several time, crossing a glade, we saw Senya who was quietly standing with a tubule at the corner of a glade, and he to us is detailed and sensible told about good work of a bow which he witnessed. Suddenly voices of hounds became heard in the distance. It was clear that dogs returned a hare. Ghosn all came nearer, with small peremolchka, and in a few minutes the experienced white hare jumps out on a glade, does the two and disappears in a small aspen forest, with dense subgray-haired, and later a few time on a trace the bow falls out and, having celebrated a trace, disappears in an aspen forest. But then dogs molknut and 20 minutes cannot lift a hare in put by rules again. The bow should be removed and, having regarded it, to give the general point. Here there was also an amusing case which is so well characterizing Senya.

Each of us, judges, had to put down independently at himself in the judicial book points according to each column, and then we had to compare our estimates and bring one general. The bow worked well, and it was clear to all that it passes not only on the diploma of the III degree, but can pull also on the II degree. What our amazement when Senechka began to read the estimates of separate qualities of just working bow and we was, having quickly counted its points, did not receive and 60, i.e. the minimum point necessary for obtaining the diploma of the III degree.

  • Xin — both of us exclaimed — yet really the bow will remain without diploma?

  • As without diploma — in turn, Senechka was surprised. — Yes not only the III degrees, and II should be given! — hotly he objected.

  • Well, and how you have only 55 points? — I ask.

  • Kolya, darling — confoundedly answers Senechka — I will tell you what dog drives better, and from this your damned mathematics you dismiss me!

I was ready to kiss it for this naivety. It so for the rest of the natural also did not overcome "Damned mathematics", but on all sudeystvo always happened very useful member of a judiciary board, perfectly characterizing verbally work of hounds even when he did not witness itself, understanding and recovering a run picture often on voices of dogs.

The weakness to photography was other its weakness, except dislike for "damned mathematics". He dragged with himself in all cases of life where it went, the huge heavy camera and a big tripod. His thirst to photograph was so big that it served frequent not only the reason of general harmless laughter, but also small quarrels.

On field tests of hounds, in short autumn days, during short breaks in work for a breakfast, it steadily began to transplant all in the forest group so that all were located in focus, infinitely long set the tripod and a huge box of the camera, ran from it to group and back, was covered with a scarf, removed and again moved up a tripod, replaced participants, is sluggish long inserted and drove the cartridge and when, having exhausted all to the last degree, removed, suddenly swore, exclaiming: "Well, and knew!"

It turned out that the cartridge was or empty, or with already removed plate, extorting at the strong expressions which were removed a row... But all knew that Senya had to remove nevertheless because everyone understood that he will be obliged to purchase from Senechka for memory a card. And in the evening in hot the heated log hut after a nourishing dinner and decent libations we listened to its best-known number: "Because of the island on a midstream".

These its failures with the photo steadily reminded me a case from my gymnasia life. We in the I Moscow gymnasium a teacher of physics had the sweetest D.D. Galanin who it is normal after the experience prepared for them was not successful, without being confused, snuffling a little, said: "Experience was not successful, but the idea is clear!" Senechki's idea was also clear for us, and experiences, as well as at Galanin, he pretty often did not work well. But on these experiences the love all of us, gonchatnik, to fine, mild, to the lovely "bayan of the Russian song" which was so sincerely loving the Russian nature, the Russian daring steadily came to light and if you want, and... Russian recklessness!

How sadly to understand that already nobody will tell me any more: "Kolya, darling, and well it... your mathematics!" and nobody will put us in a circle any more that long and persistently to remove, and then with disappointment to exclaim: "Again on empty removed!"