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2023/08/24 13:03:25

Birth and mortality rates in the United States


United States population


2% drop in birth rate to 3.59 million, 40-year low

In 2023, the birth rate in the United States dropped to the lowest level in 40 years. The number of births decreased by 2% to 3.596 million.

Factors such as high health care costs, political and economic uncertainty are causing people to delay having children.

Anti-record: Fertility rate - 1.61 children per woman

In 2023, the birth rate in the United States fell to the lowest level since accounting began in the 1930s - 1.61 children per woman.

This means that the United States will have to rely on immigration to maintain the current level of population.


Record number of suicides recorded in the United States - 49 thousand

In 2022, 49,449 suicides were recorded in the United States - this is a record high in the entire history of collecting relevant statistics (since 1941). By comparison, 48,183 Americans committed suicide in 2021. Thus, year-on-year growth was recorded at 2.6%. Such figures are reflected in the report of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which was published at the end of November 2023. Read more here.

Average life expectancy in the United States is declining

Life expectancy in the United States is declining, and this was observed even before the COVID-19 pandemic, which is in sharp contrast to other rich countries.

Why is this important? Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers warned that the economic collapse of the Soviet Union was a foregone conclusion by indicators, including a decline in life expectancy.

US fertility starts falling again after short rise

In 2022, 3,661,220 babies were born in the United States, which is about 3,000 less than in 2021, when 3,664,292 children were born. Such figures are provided in a report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released in early June 2023.

It is said that in 2022 the birth rate was at the level of 56.1 babies per 1000 women aged 15-44 years. This indicator has practically not changed compared to the previous year. Births decreased in the 15-24 and 30-34 age groups, increased among women aged 25-29 and 35-49, and did not change in the 10-14 age group. At the same time, the birth rate among adolescents 15-19 years old decreased on an annualized basis by 3% and amounted to 13.5 babies per 1000 young American women in 2022.

US fertility starts falling again after short rise

The caesarean section rate rose to 32.2% in 2022 from 32.1% in 2021. In the period from 2021 to 2022, the number of such operations increased among Asian women (from 33.1% to 33.5%), Latinos (from 31.6% to 31.7%) and white-skinned women in labor (from 31.0% to 31.1%). The rate of preterm birth decreased by about 0.1% - to 10.38%.

The study notes that in 2022, the birth rate among people aged 30 to 40 increased - this corresponds to a long-term trend observed before the COVID-19 pandemic: Americans are in no hurry to become parents, paying attention to career and personal life. The decline in the birth rate as a whole indicates major demographic changes due to slowing economic growth, aging populations and the crisis. The study notes that in 2022, the birth rate in the United States was approximately 1.7 children per woman. Approximately the same result was recorded a year earlier.[1]

The United States is among the anti-leaders in the number of childless women

Proportion of women born in 1970 without children in countries of the world as of 2023

Survival rate of cancer patients in the United States has tripled in 50 years

According to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the survival rate of cancer patients in the United States for 50 years has tripled: if in 1971 there were 3 million people recovered from cancer in the country, then by the beginning of 2022 - already 18 million people. The statistics were published in September 2022. Read more here.

In the United States, 1 million people died from coronavirus

On May 4, 2022, it became known that USA the number of COVID-19 deaths from exceeded 1 million people. This figure was recorded in 27 months after the first case of the virus was confirmed in the country. More. here


Surge in youth deaths

The mortality rate among American youth is growing at an alarming rate. This is evidenced by the results of a study by the Center for the Study of Society and Health of the University of the Commonwealth of Virginia, published on May 17, 2023.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the number of deaths among US residents under the age of 19 has risen to the highest level in almost 15 years. Between 2019 and 2020, the overall mortality rate among Americans in the age group under consideration increased by 10.7%. In 2021, the growth was another approximately 8.3%. This, as noted, is the highest growth rate over a two-year period in half a century, during which the US authorities track the corresponding indicators.

The mortality rate among American youth is growing

Among the main causes of death of American youth are murders, suicides, drug overdoses and car accidents. In 2020, the increase in deaths of young US residents accelerated. Although the COVID-19 pandemic itself has not become the main reason for the deterioration of the situation, researchers say that the social upheaval caused by the coronavirus has exacerbated public health problems, including worsening anxiety and depression. Medical workers and specialized specialists say that during the period of self-isolation, the closure of schools, the abolition of sports and youth events, as well as restrictions on personal communication significantly worsened the overall picture of mortality among young people.

The study notes that the suicide rate among Americans aged 10 to 19 began to rise in 2007, and the number of murders crept up in 2013. The main cause of death among young people in the United States is the use of firearms. In 2020, average life expectancy among Americans fell by 1.8 years, the largest decline since at least World War II.[2]

US suicides rise for first time since 2018

On September 30, 2022, federal research data was published, according to which the number of suicides in the United States in 2021 increased after two consecutive years of decline.

In 2021, 47,646 suicides were reported, according to preliminary data presented in a study published by the National Center for Medical Statistics (NCHS). This means that there were about 14 suicides per 100 thousand people in 2021. This number is 4% more than the 45,979 suicides that were registered in 2020, with an indicator of 13.5 per 100 thousand people.

The number of suicides in the United States has grown

The rise in that rate came after a 3.2% drop in suicides from 2018 to 2019 and a 1.7% drop from 2019 to 2020, the report said.

Suicide is a major factor in premature death in the United States, the authors wrote. In the US, suicides increased by 35% from 1999 to 2018 before falling by 5% through 2020.

For the report, the researchers examined death certificate data from the NCHS as of May 15, 2022, reviewed data from 2021 and compared it with statistics from 2020 and earlier.

The number of suicides per month in 2021 was lower only in January, February and July compared to 2020, according to the report. In the remaining nine months, the number of suicides was higher.

The largest difference in monthly suicides occurred in October, with the rate at 4,211 in 2021, an 11% increase from the 3,781 suicides recorded in October 2020.

If you consider suicides by sex, the number of suicides reported among men in 2021 was 38,025, a 4% increase from the 36,551 reported in 2020. According to the report, the suicide rate among men increased by 3% from 22.0 per 100 thousand people in 2020 to 22.7 per 100 thousand people in 2021. The number of suicides among women increased by 2% from 9,428 (5.5 per 100 thousand) in 2020 to 9,621 in 2021 (5.6 per 100 thousand).

The study also noted an increase in suicides in almost every age group. The largest increase was observed among young people aged 15 to 24 years - from 14.2 suicides per 100 thousand people in 2020 to 15.3 per 100 thousand people in 2021. Americans aged 35 to 44 are in second place in terms of suicide growth: 17.4 per 100 thousand in 2020 to 18.2 per 100 thousand in 2021.

The report provides no explanation for the rise in suicide rates.[3]

US life expectancy falls to lowest level since 1996

In 2021, life expectancy fell in the United States to its lowest level since 1996, the second year of historic retreat due to deaths from COVID-19. Such data in August 2022 was released by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The nearly one-year decline from 2020 to 76.1 was the largest two-year drop in life expectancy at birth in nearly a century, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found. The difference in life expectancy between men and women also increased in 2021 to its highest level in more than two decades, with men living 73.2 years, nearly six years less than women.

US life expectancy falls to lowest level since 1996

Death from COVID-19 caused half of the total decline in life expectancy in 2021, with drug overdose and heart disease making the main contribution, according to CDC data.

According to the CDC, in 2021, more than 460 thousand people died from COVID-19 in the United States. Life expectancy in the United States in 2020 recorded the largest one-year drop since World War II, and almost 75% of this drop is pandemic-related deaths.

{{quote 'Deaths in 2022 were slightly better than in 2020, so I think it's likely we'll see a slight increase in life expectancy. However, life expectancy in 2022 is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels, and much depends on what happens by the end of the year, because deaths usually rise in the winter months, said Robert Anderson, head of mortality statistics at the US National Center for Health Statistics. }} While suicide deaths have declined in 2020, they were the fifth biggest contributor to the decline in overall life expectancy in 2021. Death by suicide was the third major factor in reducing men's life expectancy.

The data represent early estimates and have a number of limitations, the CDC agency noted, including the difference in time taken by different jurisdictions to provide death certificates.[4]

Increase in deaths from drug overdose to 100 thousand people per year

Main article: Drugs in the United States

Drug overdose USA deaths rose nearly 15% in 2021, topping 100,000 and setting another dismal record.

The United States ranked second in excess mortality

In early November 2021, the Financial Times (FT) published an analytical article in which it reported that excess mortality in Russia from COVID-19 since the beginning of the 2021 coronavirus pandemic (from February 2020) amounted to 753,000 cases. This is the second indicator in the world - more deaths were registered only in the United States (748,630), according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


US alcohol deaths soar

On November 4, 2022, government data was published, according to which the number of deaths that may be directly related to alcohol increased in the United States by almost 30% during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The published report focuses on more than a dozen types of alcohol-induced deaths, in which wine is entirely blamed on binge drinking. Examples include alcohol-induced liver or pancreatic insufficiency, alcohol poisoning, withdrawal, and some other diseases. In 2021, more than 52 thousand such deaths were registered, compared with 39 thousand in 2019.

US alcohol deaths rise

In the two decades before the pandemic, the rate of such deaths increased by 7% or less each year.

In 2020, they grew by 26%, to about 13 deaths per 100 thousand Americans. That's the highest rate in 40 years, says lead study author Merianne Spencer.

Such deaths are 2.5 times more common in men than in women, but in 2020 this figure increased for both, the study said. The rate is still the highest for those aged 55 to 64, but is rising sharply for some other groups, including a 42% jump among women aged 35 to 44.

According to data from 2015 to 2019, more than 140 thousand alcohol-related deaths occur annually in the United States. According to the CDC, about 82 thousand of these deaths are caused by excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time, and 58 thousand are caused by acute intoxication.

The study found that about one in eight deaths among U.S. adults ages 20 to 64 are alcohol-related. New Mexico was the state with the highest percentage of alcohol-related deaths at 22%. Mississippi had the lowest rate at 9%.[5][6]

The decline in the birth rate for the sixth year in a row to 3.6 million people

The birth rate in the United States has been declining for the sixth year in a row, in 2020 it fell to 3.6 million people, the lowest since 1979. The decline is likely to continue into 2021.

Main causes of death: heart disease, cancer and COVID-19

Average life expectancy in the United States fell record due to COVID-19

In mid-January 2021, scientists from Princeton University and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles presented a study according to which the decline in life expectancy in the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 became the largest since the 1918 flu pandemic. The decline is particularly pronounced in ethnic and other minority communities and the record is expected to be broken again in the coming years as the country still struggles with the effects of the new disease.

Calculating life expectancy is considered an important indicator of the general health of the population. Over the past few decades, life expectancy in the US has gradually increased, and small recessions have provided important information about broader social issues.

U.S. Life Expectancy Change Graph (1860-2020 Data)

According to 2020 estimates published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, life expectancy in the United States in 2020 decreased by an average of 1.13 years and reached 77.48 years. In 2015-2017, the average annual life expectancy decreased by 0.1 years. The researchers believe this is evidence of an opioid crisis, mostly in the middle-aged white population. Another such year was 1993, in which an unusual decline of 0.3 years was recorded - a combination of factors is called the reason: the AIDS epidemic, a high percentage of deaths from influenza and a surge in suicides.

A quick return to life expectancy before COVID-19 is unlikely, as the coronavirus continues to spread, leaving long-term detrimental health effects, death from comorbidities, and social and economic losses, the researchers note.

Looking at minority communities, the decline in life expectancy since 2020 is even more worrying. According to calculations, the life expectancy of black communities will decrease by 2.10 years (to 72.78 years), and the life expectancy of Latinos has decreased by 3.05 years (to 78.77 years).[7]

Later, in July 2021, it became known that life expectancy in the United States in 2020 decreased even more - by 1.5 years, to 77.3 years. This has crossed out all the country's achievements since 2003. This was the largest annual decline since 1943. It is the second biggest decline since the 1918 flu pandemic, which is thought to have killed around 50 million people worldwide.

Life expectancy in the USA: women, average, men

In 2020, 3.3 million Americans died, and 11% of the deaths were caused. Covid-19 80% of deaths from coronavirus in 2020 were people over the age of 65.


30% of US cancer deaths linked to smoking

30% of cancer deaths in the U.S. are related to smoking. This was reported in August 2022 by the American Cancer Society, the data were published in the International Journal of Cancer.

There is no information on lost income due to cancer deaths caused by smoking to inform and promote tobacco control policies. Scientists have estimated the number of lost person-years of life (PGA) and lost income due to deaths from cancer caused by cigarette smoking in the US nationally and by state.

30% of cancer deaths are related to smoking

The proportions and number of deaths due to cigarette smoking cancer and associated PGA among those aged 25 to 79 in 2019 were calculated, which were combined with the annual median earnings to estimate lost earnings associated with cigarette smoking. According to estimates, in 2019, 418.5 thousand adults died from cancer in the country. About 123 thousand deaths may be associated with smoking, scientists found out, which is 29.4% or $2.2 billion of lost person-years of potential life and $20.9 billion of lost income.

The main data on age with indicators of PGA and lost earnings in general were in the South and Midwest of the United States. The estimated rate per 100 thousand population ranged from 352 in Utah to 1337 in West Virginia for PPP and from $4.3 million in Idaho to $14.8 million in Missouri for lost earnings. If the age indicators of PPP and lost earnings in Utah were achieved by all states, then in 2019, in the whole country, 58.2% of the total number of PPP would have been avoided. Earnings losses due to smoking-related cancer deaths are significant in the U.S. and highest in states with weaker tobacco control policies.

Although smoking is one of the leading preventable causes of cancer death in the US, the impact on life expectancy and the economic burden of cancer deaths caused by smoking remains unclear. Here, using state-specific population data and census data on annual average earnings, the authors estimated the number of smoking-related deaths and potentially preventable earnings losses for 2019.

All authors work for the American Cancer Society (ACS), which receives grants from private and corporate foundations, including funds affiliated with companies in the health care sector, for research outside of the submitted work.

The authors of the study believe that HCWs need to identify smoking patients, reflect this information in medical documents and recommend that people stop smoking. It is necessary to expand the coverage of the population by lung cancer screening, which in 2019 in the United States passed only 6.6% of citizens. Scientists propose tightening policies to combat tobacco smoking, including increasing excise taxes on tobacco products in the country and increasing funding for regional prevention programs.[8]

US cancer deaths fall 27% in 50 years

Significant progress has been made in reducing cancer deaths in the United States, according to a study published on November 11, 2021. Rates across all cancers, overall, declined 27% between 1971 and 2019. Read more here.

The number of suicides per 100 thousand people

Число самоубийств на 100 тыс. человек population some countries, 2019

Number of deaths due to poor ecology

Number of deaths from environmental problems by country according to the 2019 Pollution and Health Metrics 2019 report


Global lead in drug deaths

Countries with the most drug-related deaths per million people aged 15 to 64.

The number of deaths per 100 thousand cars

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018

2017:60% of gun deaths - suicide

Suicide is one of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S., a problem that rose 41 percent between 2006 and 2017.

60% of gun deaths - suicide

Of the 39,773 firearm deaths that occurred in 2017, 60 percent were suicides.


Number of deaths from opioid use disorders

Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

Racial structure of suicides

2013: Average age of women at birth of first child

EU Country Data - 2019 US Data - 2013
