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2021/01/19 17:43:13

History of Australia



Main article: Australia

2020: Deaths of 3 billion animals in fires

3 billion animals died due to fires in Australia in 2019-2020


Bikini Competition, Australia, 1980s

Tasman Bridge collapse. 12 people died

On January 5, 1975, a dry cargo ship Lake Illawarra collided with one of the supports of the Tasman Bridge, carrying 10,000 tons of zinc concentrate for Electrolytic Zinc. As a result, two bridge supports and three concrete sections (a total length of 127 m) collapsed into the water, flooding the ship.

Tasman Bridge collapse. Australia, 1975.

As a result, 7 members of the ship's crew and 5 motorists were killed, whose cars fell into the water before traffic was stopped.


Baby and giant whale shark washed up on Australia's coast, 1965
On 30 October 1965, the Jean Shrimpton model caused a sensation by wearing a miniskirt to the Melbourne Cup (horse racing) in Australia.


Lumberjack Competition, Sydney, 1957


Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and Prince Philip in Australia, 1954.


Tram depot in the old fort, 1952. Sydney Opera House to be built on the site


Motorcycle chariots - 1936, Australia

1933:66% of the state of Western Australia voted for independence

The most popular idea of independence has always been in Western Australia - a vast region rich in minoresses and farmland.

In 1933, against the backdrop of the economic crisis, a referendum was held in the state. There was more than 66% for independence, but London said no and that was the end of it. Although, the federal government has revised its economic policy towards the states.


Skaters quench their thirst from the hole while skating. Australia, 1926.


Picnic, Australia, 1890


George Tymwell long-distance cyclist who travelled 2100km in 22 days, Australia, 1885


One of the last indigenous Tasmanians destroyed by British settlers, 1869.


Late Pleistocene Human Parking Map

120 thousand hp: The first small wave of Homo Sapiens migration from Africa reaches Australia

The work of Axel Timmermann and Tobias Friedrich (2016) provides the results of modeling the climate and its impact on the resettlement of mankind, which allows you to establish the time windows in which it could occur. The authors proceed from the assumption that people moved only in territories where they could find food, which means that it was possible to leave Africa only at that time and in that way, when and where flora and fauna were represented in sufficient quantities.

According to scientists, the Sapiens had only three windows suitable for resettlement: 130-118, 106-94, 89-73 thousand years ago[1]. The last of them best fits the "main event," when the resettlement became massive. But the first and second windows could also be suitable for migration. And, judging by the results of other teams, ancient people really took advantage of them.

So, judging by the genetic analysis of the natives of Australia and the inhabitants of New Guinea, the first people in this region appeared 120 thousand years ago, long before the ancestors of most non-Africans came out. But the genetic contribution of these early migrants is no more than two percent in the gene pool of New Guineans themselves, who, in a place with Aboriginal Australians, separated from the main population of Eurasia 51-72 thousand years ago.

40 million hp: Demarcation of Australia and Antarctica

Main article: The history of the Earth before the appearance of hominids

40 million years ago (during the Cenozoic era), the demarcation of Australia and Antarctica occurred.

125 million hp: East Gondwana split into Indigaskar and Australo-Antarctica. The emergence of the Indian Ocean

125 million years ago, East Gondwana split into Indigaskar and Australo-Antarctica, between which the Indian Ocean began to form.

150 million hp: The beginning of the collapse of Gondwana in the southern hemisphere

150 million years ago (Mesozoic) Gondwana broke up into two parts: western (, Africa Arabia and) South America and eastern (,, and Australia Antarctica Madagascar Hindustan), the border of which was the Mozambique Strait.

380 million hp: The oldest heart in the world

In mid-September 2022, scientists from Curtin University discovered in Western Australia a perfectly preserved heart of ancient fish along with a fossilized stomach, as well as intestines and liver. The heart is 380 million years old and this is a record, and the find itself will help in the study of the evolution of jaw vertebrates. Scientists noted that the soft tissues of ancient species are rarely preserved. Read more here.

420 million hp: Australia as part of the supercontinent Gondwana

Main article: The history of the Earth before the appearance of hominids

Supercontinent Gondwana 420 million years ago. View from the South Pole. As of 2018
