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2023/10/02 18:08:26


Arrhythmia is a disease in which a violation of the frequency and sequence of heart beats occurs. If in a healthy person the heart rate is from 60 to 90 beats per minute, then in a patient with abnormal heart muscle, the rhythm can be either greatly reduced or increased, depending on the type of arrhythmia.


Main article: Human heart

Since arrhythmia is divided into several types, it can cause both non-life-threatening symptoms and serious, life-threatening conditions and diseases. One of the most common types of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation, often referred to outside the medical community as "atrial fibrillation." As of 2017, over 2.3 million people suffer from it in Russia. [1] This condition, like many other types of arrhythmia, does not pose a danger to humans in itself, but over time it often leads to an ischemic stroke, from which more than 86 thousand people die annually in Russia. [2]


In arrhythmias, it is very important to determine whether a rhythm disorder is hearts a non-dangerous, passing condition or requires medical intervention. It is often difficult for a person to do this on his own. Patients come to the doctors with complaints about symptoms that do not threaten them with anything serious. But at the same time, for example, almost no one knows that shortness of breath can indicate the presence of a dangerous heart disease. People ignore their symptoms because they believe that, for example, impaired breathing can talk exclusively about problems in the lungs.

2022: E-cigarettes provoke arrhythmia

At the end of October 2022, long-term use of e-cigarettes, or vaping products, can significantly impair the functioning of the body's blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The use of both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes can lead to even greater risk than the use of only one of these products. These findings come from two new studies supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Read more here.

Treatment technologies


Google introduced heart rate control technology through headphones

On October 27, 2023, Google announced the development of technology that allows active noise cancellation (ANC) headphones to record vital signs of the user's body, in particular, to measure heart rate. In this case, you do not need to add any additional sensors. Read more here.

Innovative technology for treatment of arrhythmias without X-rays introduced in Russia

In the state scientific center "NMIC endocrinology" Ministry of Health Russia in the department of surgical treatment of complex heart rhythm disorders and electrocardiostimulation, the technology of surgical treatment of arrhythmias without X-rays has been introduced. The press service of the institution announced this in September 2023.

It is noted that the implementation of the technology became possible thanks to the development of intracardiac ultrasound technology, which allows you to accurately control intracardiac manipulations. Previously, for the surgical treatment of complex arrhythmias, it was necessary to use X-rays with the introduction of a contrast medium.

According to the developers, the introduction of this technology allows surgical treatment of arrhythmias in which the introduction of contrast agent is undesirable (patients with diabetic nephropathy). Also, this technology can be used in pregnant women who need to undergo surgical treatment of heart rhythm disorders. Previously, this was impossible, since the use of ionizing radiation is contraindicated for pregnant women. The introduction of this technology of surgical treatment of arrhythmias without X-rays and contrast makes it possible to significantly increase the safety of the intervention and reduce the likelihood of developing potential complications, primarily in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Atrial fibrillation, also known as atrial fibrillation, is a disease associated with abnormal heart rhythm. Normally, the heart contracts at a frequency of 60 to 80 beats per minute, and the contractions are performed alternately, first the atrium, and then the ventricles. In atrial fibrillation, the atrial muscles cease to function simultaneously and contract in a chaotic order, which causes non-rhythmic ventricular contraction. All this prevents the heart from working normally. Atrial fibrillation is primarily an "age-related" disease.[3]

Russia has introduced the latest method of treating arrhythmia with liquid nitrogen

In early September 2023, Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov talked about the introduction of a modern minimally invasive method of treating arrhythmia - cryogenic isolation of the mouths of the pulmonary veins (KILV). This technology, according to the developers, can help get rid of arrhythmia forever. Read more here.

Johnson & Johnson launches heart ablation devices without fluoroscopy

On August 4, 2023, the company, Biosense Webster a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, announced the release of a number of devices for ablation of the heart without fluoroscopy. We are talking about products intended for the treatment of atrial fibrillation - arrhythmias this is one of the most common forms of heart rhythm disorder. More. here

Boston Scientific Releases Cold Arrhythmia Treatment System

On August 8, 2023, Boston Scientific announced the POLARx cryoablation system. The solution is intended for the treatment of arrhythmia by freezing. Read more here.

Introduced a device that protects the esophagus during cardiac ablation

On May 20, 2023, American researchers at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center announced the development of a new device called ESOlution to effectively protect the esophagus during cardiac ablation. Read more here.

Medtronic has released a pulsed field ablation system to treat arrhythmia. It gives minimal complications

On May 19, 2023, Medtronic announced the release of an advanced pulsed field ablation system designed to treat arrhythmia. The solution, called PulseSelect, specifically targets patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). Read more here.

Abbott unveils next-generation ablative catheter to treat arrhythmia

On May 19, 2023, Abbott announced the release of the TactiFlex ablation catheter, the world's first product of this type with a unique flexible tip and contact pressure technology. Read more here.


Smart ring that recognizes arrhythmia and hypoxia released

On December 28, 2022, Movano Health introduced the Evie wearable device, which can replace the traditional fitness tracker. The novelty has expanded functionality in terms of tracking vital signs of the body. Read more here.

Computer games provoke the development of life-threatening arrhythmia in children. Known about 4 deaths

In mid-October 2022, it became known that computer games can provoke the development of lethal arrhythmias in children. Patients with predisposing cardiovascular disease are most at risk.

An international research team assessed the relationship between computer games, the development of life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden death in children. The results of the study are published in the journal HeartRhythm. Computer games mean games on any electronic device, including phones and tablets, game consoles, personal computers and game consoles.

Computer games provoke the development of life-threatening arrhythmia in children

The aim of this study was to describe the risk group, the nature of cardiac events and the type of games associated with cardiac arrhythmia associated with electronic gaming. A multicenter international series of cases of suspected or proven cardiac arrhythmia during computer games in children was conducted, as well as a systematic literature review.

Scientists found 22 patients aged between 7 and 16 who confirmed or suspected a relationship between computer games and the development of ventricular arrhythmia. Six participants suffered cardiac arrest 27%, and sudden death was detected in four cases 18%. 7 children were previously diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases predisposing to the development of arrhythmia, and in 12 cases the diagnosis was established after the event.

Computer games can trigger deadly cardiac arrhythmias in susceptible children. The incidence appears to be low, but syncope under these conditions should be thoroughly investigated. In children with proarrhythmic heart disease, electronic war games in particular are a powerful trigger for arrhythmia.

According to the researchers, computer games can provoke the development of lethal heart rhythm disorders in children with pro-arrhythmogenic cardiovascular diseases. Although the frequency of such events is low, additional studies are needed.[4]

Smart watches that recognize arrhythmia entered the market

On October 6, 2022, HeartBeam announced the expansion of its product portfolio by adding arrhythmia detection capabilities with the HeartBeam AIMIGo 3L smartwatch. Expanding the range allows you to add arrhythmia detection capabilities to monitor atrial fibrillation and other types of arrhythmia. Read more here.

Johnson & Johnson releases catheter for detailed arrhythmia diagnosis

Johnson & Johnson-owned Biosense Webster announced on September 6, 2022, the release of the Octaray arrhythmia mapping catheter with TRUEref technology. It is powered by the company's Carto 3 Version 7 system. Read more here.

Conducting the first surgery in Russia to treat arrhythmia on a "turned off" heart

Cardiac surgeons of the E. N. Meshalkin National Medical Research Center in Novosibirsk performed the first operation in Russia to treat arrhythmia on a "turned off" heart. This method was chosen because of the high risk of death of the patient during standard surgery for such pathology.

A 46-year-old patient from the Altai Territory was delivered by ambulance helicopter: due to tachycardia and constant loss of consciousness, a woman could die of cardiac arrest.

In Novosibirsk, conducted the first operation in Russia to treat arrhythmia on the "turned off" heart

To protect the patient's life from sudden death, they decided to implant a cardioverter-defibrillator. This device does not treat the disease, but when arrhythmia appears, it beats the heart with electricity, which can prevent sudden cardiac arrest. The surgeons of the Meshalkin Center introduced the device into the patient's body, but later it became clear that the device hurts the patient and worsens her general condition. Then the cardiac surgeons decided to perform the radiofrequency ablation procedure on the heart turned off from blood circulation.

This minimally invasive procedure takes place in X-ray operating conditions, and it was not possible to deploy an artificial circulation apparatus, therefore, a consultation of specialists with the participation of anesthesiologists-resuscitators decided to perform an intervention accompanied by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).

The ECMO machine provides support to the patient's body, allowing blood to move around the heart. The experience of using this technology in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders is described in the foreign medical literature, but in Russia such interventions have not been performed before.

The patient's heart was temporarily disconnected from the blood supply and connected to an artificial circulation machine to support the body while the operation was underway. The operation was successful. The intervention performed will significantly improve the quality of life of the patient who, in a stable condition, is preparing for discharge.[5]

For the first time in Russia, an operation was carried out to treat arrhythmia with microsecond impulses

Cardiac surgeons of the E. N. Meshalkin National Medical Research Center in Novosibirsk performed the first operation in Russia to treat arrhythmia with microsecond impulses. This was reported in the press service of the organization on June 27, 2022.

The National Medical Research Center clarified that the first patient was a 55-year-old man with atrial flutter. The essence of the method is that microsecond pulses that are applied in the zone of pathological arrhythmogenic activity damage the integrity of the cell membrane. With this approach, cells do not die, as with traditional methods of treating rhythm disorders hearts (radiofrequency or cold ablation methods), but cease to function. This avoids a number of complications, in particular a violation of the integrity of the heart muscle.

For the first time in Russia, an operation was carried out to treat arrhythmia with microsecond impulses

The relief of arrhythmia foci was performed using an ablation catheter and a generator specially designed by Tomsk engineers.

The impact takes one hundredth of a second. During this time, cells located in close proximity lose membrane integrity. So, for comparison: in the best medical centers, interventional treatment of atrial flutter takes 15-20 minutes without taking into account the patient's preparation. With the use of a new type of energy, the main stage of treatment is a minute, the National Medical Research Center said.

The specialists of the Meshalkin Center plan to expand the range of application of the technology by developing and creating new types of domestic catheters for the treatment of all types of heart rhythm disorders.

Only one European company produces equipment, and in modern realities, Russian clinics do not have to count on access to it. Russian engineers were able to create an original source of this type of energy and a special catheter for the work of doctors, the press service of the National Medical Research Center said.[6]pulses[7]

Fitbit Releases Wearable Arrhythmia Recognition Software

On April 11, 2022, Fitbit announced PPG technology, which is a software for recognizing arrhythmia using wearable devices. Read more here.

Imaging system released that identifies sources of arrhythmia anywhere in the heart

In early April 2022, Vektor Medical introduced the vMap cardiac arrhythmia mapping system. The system is the first to identify the sources of arrhythmia anywhere in the heart, including the septal wall, honed pathways and all four chambers. The company says it takes less than three minutes to get the result. here.

In Novosibirsk, developed a 3D system to combat arrhythmia

The E. N. Meshalkin National Medical Research Center (NMIC) in Novosibirsk has developed an electrophysiological navigation system that allows you to quickly build a 3D model of the heart chamber to localize the focus of pathology that causes arrhythmia. The press service of the organization announced this in mid-March 2022. Read more here.
