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2010/05/24 14:02:07

Logical programming

Logical programming — the programming paradigm based on the automatic theorem proving using information inference engines on the basis of the set facts and inference rules. The Prologue language and logical programming are also widely used for creation of knowledge bases and expert systems and researches in the field of artificial intelligence on the basis of logical models of knowledge bases and logical procedures of an output and decision making.


Language and Prologue system

A prolog (engl. Prolog) — the language and the system of logical programming based on language of predicates of the logic theory of predicate calculus representing a subset of a predicate logic of first order.

The basic concepts in the Prologue language are the facts, rules of a logical output and requests allowing to describe knowledge bases, procedures of a logical output and decision making on the basis of which the system of logical programming a Prologue draws logical conclusions and gives intelligent answers.

The facts in the Prologue language are described by logical predicates with specific values. Rules in a Prologue register in the form of rules of a logical output with the logical conclusions and the list of logical conditions.

In the Prologue interpreter a special role is played by specific requests to knowledge bases on which the system of logical programming generates answers "truth" and "lie". For the generalized requests with variables as arguments created the Prologue systems outputs specific data in confirmation of truth of the generalized data and inference rules.

The facts in the Prologue language present specific data (knowledge) in knowledge bases. The generalized data and knowledge in the Prologue language are set by rules of a logical output (determinations) and sets of such inference rules (determinations) over concrete facts and the generalized data.

Knowledge bases

In information science understand set of the facts and inference rules allowing a logical output and intelligent information processing as Knowledge bases. In the Prologue of the Knowledge Base language are described in the form of the concrete facts and rules of a logical output over databases and processing procedures of information submitting data and knowledge of people, objects, the facts events and processes in a logical form.

The most important property of information which is stored in knowledge bases is the reliability of the specific and generalized data in the database and relevance of information obtained using the inference rules put in the knowledge base.

In responses to the simplest requests to knowledge bases of a system of logical programming a Prologue, issues "truth" and "lie" values depending on existence of the corresponding facts. The truth and falsehood of answers significantly depends on filling of knowledge bases the actual information and its consistency.

The generalized data in knowledge bases in the Prologue language are set using the rules of a logical output executing a role of determination of concepts and also the logical procedures consisting of rule sets of a logical output. The reliability of the generalized data depends on existence of the necessary facts and accuracy of the data in knowledge bases.

Logical model of knowledge

Knowledge bases in Information science - that the set of the facts and inference rules in expert systems and the systems of logical programming implementing intelligent answers to questions.

The facts and rules in knowledge bases are described using language of logical programming a Prologue in the form of logical predicates in Russian-language lexicon. The facts and rules in knowledge bases are described using language of logical programming a Prologue in the form of logical predicates in Russian-language lexicon.

Knowledge in such bases submits the specific and generalized information about people, things, events, properties, processes and the phenomena of the objective world.

Data on things and people as well as any information can be reliable and false. Reliable information is perceived as the truth, and unreliable information - as a lie. Knowledge bases in expert systems from the logical point of view submit applied logical theories within which false and true conclusions can be drawn.

Knowledge bases of expert systems in this sense become logical models of the people experts having this or that reliable and false knowledge.

Testing of knowledge of students can be understood and comprehended as testing of knowledge bases of logical models of pupils - students, school students and students.

See Also

information science

logic in information science


logical programming

programming methodology


  • Anatoly Adamenko, Andrey Kuchukov Logical programming and Visual Prolog (with CD). — SPb.: BHV-St. Petersburg, 2003. — Page 990. — ISBN 5-94157-156-9
  • Ivan Bratko Algoritmy of artificial intelligence in the PROLOG language = Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence. — M.: Williams, 2004. — Page 640. — ISBN 0-201-40375-7
  • Kaiming V. A . Information science. The textbook for students. M.: INFRA-M, 1998-2009.
  • Kaiming V. A . Information science. The textbook for school students. M.: Avenue, 2009.
