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2019/06/06 12:24:01

Losses of the organizations from idle times and failures of IT systems

Main article: Data management

2019: The companies can lose $20 million annually due to the lack of effective management of data

According to results of a research of the Veeam Software company for 2019 specializing in area of solutions for backup and data management in a cloud, 73% of the companies are recognized that they cannot provide to the clients uninterrupted data access and to services that costs the companies $20 million annually (on average). In a research the destructive effect of problems with data access is especially noted that leads to decline in income and performance of the companies and also to loss of customer confidence. At the same time, today the organizations make a lot of efforts for the solution of these problems. Nearly three quarters from them (72%) aim to implement solutions on data management in a cloud — often using opportunities of a hybrid cloud more effectively to use the data and to make business more successful.

By estimates of the company, by 2025 the total amount of data will exceed the 175th zettabyte. At the same time, unlike 2018 when about 60% of these data were generated by users, by 2025 two thirds of data will generate the enterprises. The organizations should manage these data and protect them irrespective of where they are, experts consider.

Idle times of applications and services cost the companies $20 million annually

Results of a research confirm that the companies are going to integrate more deeply cloud computing, technologies of a hybrid cloud, the analysis of Big Data, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things. According to the estimates of Veeam, in 2019 investments of the companies into these directions on work with data on average in the world will make $41 million. Meanwhile, implementation of these digital initiatives will bring to the companies considerable benefits: the annual average additional income from their implementation will make $124 million for the company.

Nearly a half of participants of a research recognized that data protection — a necessary condition of effective use of these investments. Only 37% of the companies are sure of the existing solutions for backup and data protection, and it complicates implementation of new technologies which can provide advantages in business. More than a half of respondents for the solution of this problem consider options of implementation of an intellektualnogoupravleniye data and multicloud solutions in scales of all business.

In general results of a research speak about extremely heterogeneous penetration of digital technologies in the world. Some of the largest economies of the world risk to appear among catching up. 41% of respondents in Japan and 48% in Brazil consider data management level in the companies mature whereas in France and Germany this digit of the few higher than 25%, and in Great Britain — only 11%. Apparently, this situation will not change: within the next 12 months the Japanese and Brazilian organizations are going to invest in intellectual data management on average $105 million and $73 million respectively that much more, than in Great Britain ($14 million), China ($17 million) or the USA ($38 million).

Heterogeneous penetration of digital technologies in the world
We observe a global race of digital technologies, and some most developed economies of the world risk to remain behind. It is extremely important that the companies found the necessary digital base for intellectual management of the data and protection of the future. For this purpose, the organizations should be a whole that IT and business worked together, changed culture and increased the level of knowledge of employees — Ratmir Timashev, the co-founder and the executive vice president of Veeam for sales and marketing said.

Data on Russia in comparison with world indicators:

  • 1. "Availability and data recovery are crucial for success of the companies, and interruptions in work can lead to serious problems"
    • Most the Russian companies (78%) is recognized that they cannot provide fully to the users uninterrupted data access, to services and applications. This indicator is slightly higher, than on average in the world (73%).
    • Within the last 12 months respondents from Russia faced unplanned idle times on average 5 times. 5.5% of the polled heads said that in their organizations for the last 12 months there were more than 10 unplanned idle times.
    • the Average duration of unplanned idle times in Russia is 57 minutes — it is nearly ten minutes less, than on average in the world (65 minutes).
    • 21% of the Russian companies continuously execute backup and replication of high-priority applications.

  • 2. "Management of cloud data is the integral part of intellectual data management providing them availability from any point of business. Data availability brings to business considerable benefits in terms of reputation of a brand and customer confidence".

    • Idle times of applications and services cost the Russian organizations on average $19.8 million a year that is slightly lower than the average world indicator in $20.1 million.
    • Main effects of failures: loss of consumer confidence (54%), damage of reputation of a brand (43%) and loss of trust of employees (41%). More than 25% of respondents consider loss of consumer confidence the most disturbing of probable effects.
    • data loss because of idle times of crucial applications costs the Russian organizations on average $80,463 per hour whereas the average world indicator is at the level of $102,450 per hour. For 10.7% of the Russian companies this digit makes $150 thousand per hour or more.
    • 56% of the Russian companies consider data management in a cloud a key component of intellectual data management.

  • 3. "In the development the companies aim to integrate more and more deeply cloud computing, hybrid clouds, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things".

    • 43% of the Russian companies already implemented technologies of the analysis (big) data and the analytical systems; another 31% are going to implement them within the next 12 months. 50% of heads in the field of IT consider that the artificial intelligence and machine learning will help them to make decisions, important for business, in the future.
    • the Russian organizations which participated in a research are going to spend within the coming 12 months on average in $15 million technology of intellectual data management for digital transformation of business. The average world indicator is $41 million.
    • More than 25% of respondents in Russia claim that their organizations are going to implement intellectual data management in scales of all business. Another 41% are going to implement intellectual data management gradually and to scale its use. 9 of 10 companies intend to implement intellectual data management, including using abilities to manage data in a cloud to take great value from the data for successful business development.

  • 4. "Implementation of digital initiatives will bring considerable benefits, but results of a research speak about extremely heterogeneous penetration of digital technologies in the world".

    • More than a half (52%) of respondents in Russia claim that initiatives of intellectual data management will be crucial for success of their companies for the next two years.
    • among the main advantages of implementation of intellectual management: productivity growth (71%), stability of work (57%) and forecasting (47%).
    • the Russian companies consider that transition to intellectual data management will provide them on average $52 million an additional income.
    • Nearly a half of the Russian leaders in the field of IT (48%) consider the current data management in the organization intellectual. This digit is in the world at the level of 72%.
    • 45% consider that intellectual data management will protect their business from failures and the competition from other companies.

In general the research Veeam about data management for 2019 showed that the organizations already go the way transformations to more intellectual business. They use data management in a cloud and artificial intelligence to gain a complete impression about business in real time and to make decisions on the basis of this knowledge. Results of a research select four general aspects for the companies for ways to transformation:

  • Cloud computing. Data management in a cloud — a key component of intellectual data management: 56% of respondents from Russia use SaaS platform, 41% use a cloud for backup and 29% — postdisaster recovery as service. Reliability, flexibility and data security are specified as three basic reasons of such approach.
  • Skills. 93% of the Russian companies consider that for successful work it is necessary to improve skills of the employees in the field of digital technologies.
  • Culture. In Russia 55% of respondents agree that in process of digital transformation the corporate culture should become more open and loyal to new technologies, and 92% agree with need of change of a leadership style. At the same time more than a quarter of respondents (29%) consider it necessary to rebuild the companies completely.
  • Confidence. In Russia only 17.3% of respondents declared complete confidence that they are capable to cope with problems of implementation of digital technologies. It is lower than a world indicator which is at the level of 25%.

About a research:

The Veeam company charged Vanson Bourne companies, to the partner in researches in the technology sector, to develop and conduct a research which formed the report basis. The research Veeam Cloud Data Management Report conducted in the spring 2019 is based on poll more than 1,500 upper managers and heads in the field of IT from 13 countries: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, countries of the Middle East, Great Britain.

Heads in the field of business and information technologies of the companies numbering from 1000 to 2999 staff, from 3000 to 4999 employees and more than 5,000 employees participated in a research.