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Баннер в шапке 2



The company works in the field of management of marketing resources (Marketing Resource Management – MRM).

SAS Institute Inc.


Integration of SAS and Assetlink led to creation of the solutions unique today having a number of new opportunities. Among them:

  • An opportunity to manage "the entering marketing" (inbound marketing) and to apply analytics in real time; it is especially important for creation of the consecutive and interconnected communications with each customer via different communication channels – call centers, websites, mobile communication, social networks.
  • Application of profound analytics for the solution of a number of tasks: predictions of outflow of clients, calculation of level of profitability of each client, determination of a subject and even emotional coloring in consumer feedback and their complaints.
  • Optimization of a marketing activity, including, the choice for each client of the best offer and the channel of its delivery; it allows to reach the maximum level of profit.
  • An opportunity to manage data and to integrate information obtained from different channels regardless of the platform used for its storage. It is especially important for creation of uniform, faithful representation about each client, by means of consolidation of data on him from all channels.

This acquisition brings SAS to leader positions in the field of integrated management of marketing – IMM (Integrated marketing management). The concept IMM was introduced by the analytical agency Gartner [1] for the first time and belongs to the strategy of consolidation of people, processes and technologies. According to Gartner, by 2014 the organizations which develop complex marketing strategy will achieve an indicator of return of marketing investments of ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment), for 50% exceeding a similar indicator at those organizations which do not pay it attention.