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Investment company Stream Strimbroker


Financial services, investments and audit
Since 2017
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
199106, Vasilyevsky Island, 26th Line V.O., 15, building 2A, room 74-H

Top managers:
Rusanov Sergey Sergeyevich


IR Strim LLC (Strimbroker) since 2018 performs the activities for the following directions in Russia:

  • Broker activity
  • Dealer activity
  • Trust management
  • Depository activity



Start of sales of bonds in interest-free payment by installments

The Strimbroker investment company (IK Stream) entering into DANYCOM Group gives an opportunity of acquisition of securities of DENI KOLL LLC by installments. Payment of initial contribution in the amount of not less than 10% of the cost of a packet of bonds grants to the investor the right to the saved-up coupon yield (SUCY) on all volume of the received securities under the agreement. Announced this Danycom on July 14, 2020.

According to conditions of a special offer, at agreement signature on acquisition of bonds of DENI KOLL LLC the investor does not have need at once to pay the total cost of securities. At the same time the property right to bonds and the right to NKD arise at the buyer after introduction of initial contribution from the moment of transfer of securities into the custody account of the buyer.

The special offer is valid for clients of Strimbroker. To use, it is necessary to leave the request on the website for signing of the contract. After introduction of initial contribution – not less than 10% of the cost of all packet of securities – bonds will be credited to the account of the investor in full. The client pays the rest of the amount on interest-free payment by installments according to the payment schedule.

We suggest the investor to gain income from all portfolio of the purchased bonds, having entered only from 10% of cost. The subsequent payment of total cost of the purchased packet of securities on the terms of interest-free payment by installments will allow the client to increase efficiency of investment of capital, to hedge risks and to diversify the investment portfolio. Besides, it considerably increases investment attractiveness and allows to gain bigger income, – the head of IK Stream Sergey Rusanov comments.

Sergey Rusanov's appointment CEO

Sergey Rusanov is appointed the CEO of the Strim investment company (Strimbroker brand) entering into DANYCOM Group. He will be responsible for management and strategic development of the company, to supervise the project progress of IK Strim. On July 3, 2020 Danycom.Global reported about it. Read more here.

Beginning of opening of accounts online

The Strimbroker investment company (IK Stream) entering into Danycom Group enters remote services. Now to open broker or depository accounts in Strimbroker stock market participants can on the Internet from any point of Russia. Services of opening and service bills are given to clients of the company free of charge. On May 19, 2020 Danycom reported about it.

Signing the contract, the client is automatically connected to the broker Frimium rate that allows it to use a broad set of specialized services from most of which part is provided free of charge. Not rated services are among, including, opening of the account, its maintaining and service, replenishment and funds withdrawal, use of a personal account.

For remote opening of the account in Strimbroker it is necessary to visit the website of the company, to press the Open the Account button and to perform the offered operations. The service is available to citizens of Russia – to individuals 18 years, regardless of the region of residence or registration are more senior. In the nearest future identification through a Unified identification and authentication system (Gosuslugi) and mobile application of the broker will be available.

Opening of the account online is an industry standard which confirms a technology maturity of the broker platform. Use of this service will simplify and will accelerate document creation process. It is fast and convenient method to begin work in the stock market,
comments Dmitry Alekseev, the director of IR Strim LLC.

Clients of Strimbroker can participate in biddings in the stock market of the Moscow Exchange. In the nearest future works in the urgent and currency markets and also on Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange will be available.

Strimbroker since 2018 conducts in Russia broker, dealer and depository activity and also renders services of trust management. At the beginning of 2020 Danycom purchased the broker for diversification and increase in stability of business of all group. For May, 2020 Strimbroker is built in a uniform ecosystem that allows to expand set and quality of the provided services.

Acquisition of IK Stream by Danycom group

On February 5, 2020 the DANYCOM group (G) announced acquisition of investment company Strim Investment Company LLC. Purchase of the acting operator of the stock market having a complete packet of professional licenses will offer prospects of development for DANYCOM group and will allow to implement strategic tasks.

Creation of the mobile investment platform for private and institutional investors will become one of the areas of work of DANYCOM. Thanks to own customer base of virtual operator DANYCOM.Mobile and opportunities of IR Strim LLC the platform will open access to the stock market as acting, and to potential investors.

Purchase of financial investment company – the next step in development of DANYCOM in terms of diversification and increase in stability of business. Securities are a perspective activity in which the number of clients constantly grows. Besides, to all subscribers of DANYCOM.Mobile whom for February 5, 2020 more than 400 thousand, an opportunity to open the free broker account on the simplified procedure will be given. Investments will become closer, more available and more convenient,
reported Alexey Kuznetsov, the director of the department of investments of DANYCOM Group