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Developers: OmniNet (Omninet)
Last Release Date: July, 2012
Branches: Information technologies
Technology: ITSM - Management systems for IT service


Use of a product of OmniNet company allows to automate fully basic processes of management of IT, such as incident management, problems, configurations, changes and the provided services.

OMNITRACKER is the system intended for business process automation of different service organizations: IT services, call centers, client departments, project offices and other divisions of the companies. The solution is easy and cost-efficient configured depending on the purposes and the customer's tasks, provides seamless integration of processes and data, has almost unlimited opportunities for expansion of functionality. OMNITRACKER differs in simplicity of implementation, administration and use.

2012: OmniTracker 10

The Omninet company, the European supplier of software solutions for automation of work of IT services based on the recommendations of ITIL, announced in the summer of 2012 release of the 10th version of the OmniTracker platform. The testing held by specialists of the company showed that the new version is capable to ensure simultaneous operation to 7 thousand users, and it means that it is expected approximately 35 thousand users having a system name emphasized in Omninet. The platform works at traditional hardware solutions and does not require the special equipment.

"Uniform distribution of the loading generated by users between the OmniTracker servers allows the large companies to implement more widely the platform at rather small investments into hardware solutions. It gives us serious advantages in comparison with competitors whose technologies, most likely, will demand multimillion investments in the equipment for implementation of the similar scenario — Michael Dobner, the CEO of Omninet in Russia and the CIS said. — The new version of a product can be used by the companies of any size and the direction. However, considering possibilities of the 10th version of OmniTracker, we are guided by medium business and large corporations more".

All OmniTracker servers are connected to the server with the basis for data and can be operated in parallel. Such scheme provides access to the uniform logical server for a large number of users at the same time and also increases fault tolerance of the platform: in case of breakdown of one of servers the transactions executed on it will be automatically directed to others, explained in the company. The platform allows to increase the number of the users working in a system due to use of additional hardware nodes.

"When developing new solutions of Omninet does not attract the outsourcing companies as cares for quality of the released products and their compliance to strict German standards. All development team is in the main office Omninet in Germany — Michael Dobner told. — Many innovations implemented in the 10th version of OmniTracker are initiated by customers who have an opportunity to leave the comments and questions in the RFC system (Request for Change)".

The companies using the 9th version of OmniTracker will be able to set the new version within technical support.


Support of BPMN 2.0

In August, 2010 it is announced improvement of templates of the OMNITRACKER system: now solutions include support of BPMN 2.0 – the commonly accepted notation of modeling business of processes.

BPMN 2.0 is the international standard which in a graphic type displays a status and modeling of business process. Using intuitive characters and text information everyone the participant can monitor development of process through its graphic display.

One of main goals of BPMN – creation of standard model clear to all users who are involved in the general project: to sales managers, analysts, technical developers and personnel. Using BPMN 2.0 the head of sales department, for example, can plan and record all processing of the order: obtaining the request from the client, formation of the offer, editing and sending the ready offer to the client, receiving and processing of the order at the positive solution of the client. Thus, the module BPMN acts as a link between a creation phase business of process and a phase of its implementation and also allows to control work of sales managers.

Thus, OMNITRACKER with the module BPMN 2.0. allows from one program to project and implement business processes. At the same time the OMNITRACKER system still easily adapts and obtains configurations according to requirements of the customer.

Advantages of the OMNITRACKER system with the module BPMN 2.0:

  • decrease in time and material costs on process management;
  • increase in profit thanks to acceleration of production and sales of goods or services;
  • reduction of time for training of employees in processes in the company;
  • easy adaptation under tasks of the company of any size and the direction;
  • compatibility with other programs and existence of the certificate of PinkVERIFY 3.1;
  • easy integration of different templates and adding of internal processes;
  • fast integration into technical infrastructure of the company.

Users of the platform

For August, 2010 on the OMNITRACKER platform business processes in the largest companies of Europe, such as are automated: Siemens (strategic partnership), Sparkassen Bank, Epson Europe, Union Investment, Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems, Mercedes-Benz, Kabel BW, Trend Micro, etc.

In Russia OMNITRACKER is already used by companies AlphaInsurance, Sbsistem, the Buffet reception, INCITY (JSC InCity), Sportmaster, "EKKO-ROS", Saint-Gobain, St. Petersburg Bank, etc.