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ABB Resibloc dry transformers

Developers: ABB Group
Last Release Date: 2019/09/30

2019: Cross-validation mechanical tests of isolation of transformers

On September 30, 2019 the ABB company reported that its RESIBLOC dry transformers passed cross-validation mechanical tests in Autotractor Means laboratory of the independent test center PROMMASH TEST LLC. The transformer winding made on RESIBLOC technology was tested in identical conditions with the transformer winding made on technology of vacuum casting. Durability and security of devices was checked by simultaneous axial compression and radial stretching at a temperature of 84 °C - thus the mechanical impact on isolation similar to the mechanical influences arising in windings at short circuits was modelled.


According to the results of testing of a winding of RESIBLOC transformers are recognized by more reliable in terms of electric security. Neither an internal, nor external part of its isolation, unlike the winding made on technology of vacuum casting were not damaged that excludes a possibility of formation of current carrying "channels" in insulating material and emergence of turn-to-turn short circuits. Durability of insulating material guarantees both safety of service staff, and reliable and long-lasting operation of the transformer.

The technology of RESIBLOC transformers qualitatively differs from analogs. First, it is selected by the mechanical durability and the increased resistance to influence of short-circuit currents which are reached thanks to 80% of fiber glass as a part of isolation of windings. Secondly, multi-layer winding in the single unit guarantees linear distribution of surge voltages and excludes the shift and emergence of cracks. Thirdly, higher level of fire resistance and the improved indicators at a dynamic load. Also it is possible to use RESIBLOC transformers in extreme climatic conditions (to -60 °C), besides they are compatible during the work with vacuum circuit-breakers.

Since recent time RESIBLOC transformers are localized in Russia, it allows to offer them to the Russian customers at the affordable price - in comparison with similar transformers of a high quality iz_z of a boundary. RESIBLOC made at the ABB plant to Khotkovo (Moscow region) are delivered to customers much quicker. Service maintenance of transformers is also available to clients.

The ABB enterprise to Khotkovo releases transformers with the most widespread and the most demanded on power objects technical parameters. A product row consists of transformers with a rated voltage: 6, 10, 20 kV and with power from 250 to 5000 kVA.