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GfK Attribution+

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: GfK Group
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/09/30
Branches: Trade
Technology: CRM - Loyalty systems

2019: Start of the solution Attribution +

On September 30, 2019 the GfK company announced start of Attribution+, the solution based on artificial intelligence using which retailers will be able to enrich data of cards of loyalty with information unavailable earlier on consumer behavior. The tool (Attribution+) uses data of the Consumer panel of GfK for creation of prediction functions of consumer behavior and social and demographic characteristics of the card owner of loyalty of network. Attribution + is joint development of GfK and SO1.

GfK started the solution Attribution + for FMCG retail

As noted in GfK, often out of sight of retailers there are such significant social and demographic characteristics as age, income or the size of a household – even so far as concerns the buyers participating in programs of loyalty. But what is more important, retailers have no information on the purchases made at competitors. Instead of assessment of unrealized potential of certain buyers the retailer watches the current consumer behavior only in the shops. Attribution + helps retailers to fill this space in knowledge, to define behavioural and social and demographic characteristics of consumer audience. This work is performed by artificial intelligence technologies on the basis of data of the Panel of households of GfK.

"Attribution + cardinally changes approach to use of data of a consumer panel of GfK as all insights about the market are ready for use in CRM retailers at once",

'Benjamin Brinkhoff, the global head of these cards of loyalty of GfK noted'

According to the statement of the developer, the solution Attribution + using machine learning technology of SO1 uses data of a consumer panel of GfK for enrichment of CRM retailer missing information on the buyer. Knowing what signs are characteristic of a certain consumer behavior, the artificial intelligence can predict a portrait of the buyer without need to share personal information about card owners of loyalty for direct comparison to selection of the Consumer panel of GfK. The presented solution GfK and SO1 relies on an overall picture of the market, but at the same time bypasses the main restriction inherent in cards of loyalty – impossibility to look at what competitors consumers make purchases. In terms of optimization of promopredlozheniye it, meanwhile, "the untouched territory".

As of September, 2019 Attribution + extends only through GfK in the form of the local software, the free test version gives access to two social and demographic attributes. The program is already available in Germany, Poland and the Netherlands, and in the nearest future will appear also in other countries where there is a panel of consumers of GfK. In Russia the solution GfK and SO1 will be submitted in October, 2019.