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In 2019 Transtelecom provided to China Unicom five communication channels of 100 Gbps between China and Europe

Customers: China Unicom

Telecommunication and communication

Contractors: Transtelecom (TTK)
Product: Projects of creation of complex telecom infrastructure

Project date: 2019/03  - 2019/11



The organization of two more communication channels between China and Europe

On December 12, 2019 the Transtelecom company reported that it won tender for providing two more data transmission channels with a capacity of 100 Gbps to large Chinese telecommunication provider China Unicom Global Limited everyone. Channels will connect a point of exchange of traffic on border of China and Mongolia with Moscow and with Frankfurt am Main.

on Development of projects in the direction Asia- Europe including partnership with China Unicom Global - the most important vector of activity of Transtelecom company in the operator market. We have the distributed technology infrastructure and experience in the trunk market. Development and expansion of partnership with China Unicom Global Limited - confirmation of level of projects implementation and strict observance of all requirements of the customer,


The organization of a communication channel between China and Europe

On September 3, 2019 Transtelecom company, one of chief operators of communication in Russia, provided to the Chinese telecommunication provider China Unicom Global Limited communication channels between China and Europe.

Within the contract signed according to the results of a victory in tender, the TTK provided China Unicom with three transit data transmission channels with a capacity of 100 Gbit/sec. everyone. One of channels will connect a point of exchange of traffic on border of China and Mongolia with Moscow, two others – with Frankfurt am Main.

All international traffic of Transtelecom company in 2017 was transferred to Long Haul (DWDM) network. Advantage of this technological solution – in minimizing of points of regeneration (line sections where there is optoelectric conversion of a signal), and increase in transmission rate of a signal.

Cooperation with China Unicom Global, one of leaders of the world telecommunication market, is among the most priority directions of our work in a segment of interoperator interaction. The scale of the project extends to all Euroasian continent. Geographically distributed technology infrastructure of a TTK and extensive work experience allow to sell the project in the trunk market at the high level with observance of all requirements of the customer,
commented the CEO of JSC Transtelecom Company Roman Kravtsov