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The retail chain stores of Prisma implemented the system of smart planning

Customers: Prisma (Prism) Retail chain stores

Contractors: To Verme
Product: Verme Automation of planning of linear personnel

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/08

2020: System implementation of smart planning

PRISMA implemented the system of smart planning: service will help to calculate loading of supermarket in rush hours. It became known on September 10, 2020.

The company is going to increase service rate at the checkout and to achieve that goods got from a warehouse to a trading floor in time.

For this purpose the Finnish network uses VERME technology: she considers how many buyers come to shop in certain time, and help to plan load of employees. The program itself builds diagrams, and the head adjusts them if it is necessary: the number of cashiers and sellers in rush hours increases, changes players of workers in change.

That information was more precisely, VERME collects data in the last two years: carries out the analysis of sales, checks, the staff list, checks the number of personnel during holidays and holidays. Does not forget to consider even obligatory breaks of employees and routine processes: take out garbage, print the price label, check expiration dates of goods. On the basis of it makes work plans. For example, if it is necessary to lay out milk on a regiment, a system puts so much time that the person managed to roll out to a pallet, to place products and to remove pallets on a warehouse.

Also the program considers flexible hours and tasks of employees which can work in different departments. These functions it was not initial — the Finnish retailer adapted a system to the tasks.

With implementation of VERME it became simpler to optimize our processes, to analyze consumer traffic and as a result more to show consideration for buyers — Marita Koskinen, the deputy CEO of PRISMA commented. — For us it is essentially important to conform to the European standards of service. It is sure that thanks to such technologies our supermarkets will become more convenient for buyers and employees.

By the beginning of 2021 PRISMA is going to pass completely to the system of automatic planning and to implement VERME on all objects of network.

Thanks to harmonious work of the PRISMA and VERME command we managed to achieve effective objectives and, the most important, to increase service quality of buyers. At implementing solution we first of all are focused on tasks of the client and then we configure necessary system configurations — Valentin Ovechkin, the director of work with key clients of VERME specified".