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The group of CST implemented the biometric system of face recognition in a complex "VTB the Arena — the Central stadium "Dynamo"

Customers: VTB Arena Park

Moscow; Entertainment, leisure, sports

Product: CST: Vizier

Project date: 2019/08  - 2020/02

2020: Implementation of CST: Vizier

On March 3, 2020 it became known that in the "VTB the Arena — the Central Stadium "Dynamo" of Lev Yashin" complex, the sports and entertaining platform of the country, the system of identification of the personality on biometric characteristics of the person Vizier implemented by CST group functions.

Implementation of CST: Vizier

The biometric system of face recognition Vizier from CST equips more than 130 tourniquets of a complex and 4 cash windows of stadium. Are implemented certified integration with the booking and cash system of stadium and with the Control and management system for access (the ACS, the supplier — SKIDATA). From the ACS joint technical solution on placement of cameras of a system of video identification in full-growth tourniquets of Arena.Gate is developed. Applied integration and algorithms of CST do not limit capacity of tourniquets of a complex.

Implementation at stadium of the Vizier system is executed within observance of requirements of the legislation and meets the requirements of RPL and KHL for video identification within one project. A system allows to identify persons concerning whom there is an injunction of visit of venues of official sporting events, and successfully functions in the modes of one-factor and two-factor identification of fans. Within system implementation the technique of work with stewards and police officers is also developed. Besides, within project implementation not only installation and balancing and commissioning, but also the customized setup of a system for an exception of dependence on external factors is carried out, the possibility of monitoring of operability of a complex from development and approval of the project solution before input of a system in operation is provided.

Implementation of CST: Vizier
Complex "VTB the Arena — the Central stadium "Dynamo" special. It integrates four function spaces at once: football stadium, universal VTB Arena, shopping center and underground parking. Such powerful infrastructure facility required extremely serious approach to ensuring its security. At stadium the most modern and effective solutions for ensuring protection of a complex and protection of his visitors are set. One of them — the biometric system of face recognition Vizier. This equipment works in the round-the-clock mode and perfectly proved during actions at stadium,
noted the CEO of UK "Dynamo" Andrey Luntovsky

Implementation of CST: Vizier
SKIDATA is the company in the market of solutions for mass access. Our equipment for March, 2020 is installed more than to 10,000 places of mass accumulation of people, more than in 100 countries of the world. One of factors of successful management of access control on sporting venues — high-quality integration at which there are no delays in information transfer protocols of interaction between subsystems work well-coordinated — positive user experience quite so forms. In a complex "the Arena – the Central stadium "Dynamo" integration of a biometric system of face recognition Vizier from CST with control systems of access of SKIDATA allows to provide to VTB such experience. Our joint solution — synergy of conservatism and innovations: on the one hand we relied on experience, and with another — presented the solution using modern artificial intelligence technologies and computer vision,
comments Roman Kulakov, the director of the Russian branch SKIDATA

We are glad that "VTB the Arena — the Central stadium "Dynamo" uses our solution. In the long term it can be used not only locally, but also at the level of the country,
considers Alexey Markachev, the head of product management of the biometric systems of CST group