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Баннер в шапке 2

1C-Rarus automated accounting mutual fund in City Upravleniye Aktivami LLC

Customers: City Asset management

Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: 1C-Rarus
Product: 1C-Rarus: Mutual fund (Mutual investment funds)
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2010/06

The 1C-Rarus company completed the project on automation of accounting of mutual investment funds in City Upravleniye Aktivami LLC. Using industry solution "1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2" accounting and internal accounting of the company is automated. The information system allows to keep account of operations of mutual funds with requirements of FFMS.

The management of City Upravleniye Aktivami LLC made the decision on creation of an automated system of accounting of activity of mutual investment funds. When choosing the software product the staff of the company first of all relied on the following criteria:

  • Satisfaction to requirements of the legislation;
  • Modern platform;
  • An opportunity to consider large volumes of data;
  • Implementation of basic processes;
  • Friendly interface.

The City Asset Management company selected industry solution "1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2" the systems of the programs "1C:Enterprise 8" as the most corresponding to the designated criteria. Involved 1C-Rarus company in process of automation - developer of the software solution.

Using a configuration accounting and internal accounting of the enterprise is automated. The company had an opportunity to keep account of operations of mutual investment funds with requirements of FFMS.

The new information system gave an opportunity to City Upravleniye Aktivami LLC to use wide feature set on management of Mutual funds:

  • Performing transactions on several mutual investment funds in the uniform information database;
  • Accounting of securities by releases;
  • Accounting of cost depletion of securities by the FIFO, LIFO methods or the average price at the time of the transaction;
  • Accounting of write-off of shares by the FIFO, LIFO methods or according to the statement of the shareholder;
  • Performing transactions by means of input of manual postings;
  • Accounting of assets of mutual investment fund (money on accounts and on deposits, an action, the bond, shares).

Using industry solution "1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2" are automated basic processes:

  • Recognition of the stock and off-exchange exchange transactions manually or through loading from reports of the broker (txt, dbf or xls format);
  • Loading of the recognized quotation from the files delivered by the main marketplaces (MICEX, RTS);
  • Performing transactions on acquisition, exchange and repayment of shares with automatic calculation of allowances, discounts and the PIT;
  • Charge of reserves on remuneration of management company, expenses of specialized depositary, registrar, the auditor, appraiser;
  • Charge of the remunerations and expenses connected with activity of management company;
  • Automatic calculation of the net assets value (NAV), report generation about violations on structure and structure of assets of fund (taking into account requirements of FFMS);
  • Automatic calculation of the monthly reporting and reporting (taking into account requirements of Federal Commission on Securities).