Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

1C-Rarus: Mutual fund (Mutual investment funds)

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.0
Developers: 1C-Rarus
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit


Software product "1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2" (1C-Rarus: The mutual fund, edition 2) is intended for automation of accounting open, interval and closed-end investment funds of all types and also pension savings. When developing the program requirements of FFMS to activity of management companies of mutual investment funds and specialized depositaries were considered.

Advantages of the program

  • The first replicated program for accounting mutual fund on 1C: Enterprise platform.
  • An opportunity to conduct an unlimited number of share funds in one base without additional payment.
  • An opportunity to conduct pension savings without additional payment.
  • A broad set of the considered asset types and transactions.
  • Possibility of user preference of regulated reports.
  • Possibility of flexible configuration of the program under specific needs of the company.

In the program "1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2" are provided following features: Automatic formation of all necessary reporting:

For mutual fund

  • References of NAV.
  • Report on change of NAV.
  • Certificates of asset cost.
  • Balance of property.
  • Report on a gain (reduction) of property value.
  • Certificates of non-compliance with requirements.
  • Report on remuneration of UK.
  • Report on owners of investment shares.
  • The information about the qualified investors.
  • Log book.
  • List of property.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Register of money.
  • Register of the Central Bank and other property.
  • Register of income and payments.

For pension savings

  • The income statement from investment of means.
  • Report on net assets value.
  • Report on investment of means.
  • Calculation of market value of assets.
  • Analytical reports

A system has a set of the standard accounting reports, universal reports and analytical reports allowing to obtain all necessary information:

  • The report for the shareholder
  • Register of shareholders
  • Report on additional characteristics of shareholders
  • Report on the PIT
  • Movement on shares for the period
  • Control of payment due dates to shareholders
  • Report on requests for the period
  • Problem requests
  • Report on a portfolio
  • The report about annual average NAV
  • and others.
  • Accounting of the real estate, property rights
  • Accounting of receipt and implementation of property and services.
  • Upgrade of property.
  • Accounting of the VAT (at receipt, implementation, charge of remunerations, from advance payments).
  • Accounting of advance payments.


  • purchase ledgers;
  • sales ledgers.
  • register of the received invoices;
  • register of the issued invoices;
  • accounts;
  • the act of the performed works;
  • settlement reconciliation statement.

Accounting of monetary claims

  • Accounting of mortgages, loan agreements, loan agreements with automatic calculation of estimated value.
  • Loading of the payment schedule.
  • Charge of payments on mortgages, loan agreements and loan agreements.
  • Accounting of shares of Ltd company
  • Loading of payments using the mechanism 1C: Enterprise – the Client of bank.
  • Accounting of securities
  • Automatic loading of issues of securities (NDTs).
  • Automatic loading of the security quotations (MICEX, RTS).
  • Flexible configuration of the loader of transactions in a user mode.
  • Automatic evaluation of securities taking into account the exposed priorities of the exchanges.
  • Possibility of automatic loading of requests and shareholders from the report of the agent.
  • Possibility of automatic loading of movements on shares and contact information on shareholders from the report of registrar.
  • The warning system about approach of corporate events and direct accomplishment of procedural transactions, such, as: repayment of NKD, bond redemption, partial bond redemption. The autosecurities redemption and NKD for the period is possible.
  • The universal mechanism allowing to carry out converting, consolidation, crushing, charge including for complex cases.
  • Revaluation of NKD, revaluation of securities and other property.
  • Accounting of deposits and charge of percent.
  • Accounting of bills of exchange.
  • Accounting and automatic discounting of problem debt.
  • accounting and revaluation of currency assets and liabilities.
  • Accounting of reserves and remunerations
  • Automatic charge of allowances and discounts at issue and repayment of shares according to the algorithms selected by the user.
  • Automatic charge of remunerations of UK, registrar, specialized depositary, appraiser, auditor.
  • Automatic charge of reserves.
  • Accounting of shares of fund

All transactions with shares, including through the nominee holder: issue, repayment, exchange, transfer.

  • Automatic calculation of the PIT at repayment of shares and payment of income to shareholders.
  • Payment of shares is possible both money, and other assets.
  • Accounting of receipt of property in payment of shares according to the order of FFMS of April 15, 2008 N of 08-18/pz-N.
  • Charge of income to shareholders on different algorithms.