Customers: Inventive Retail Group Contractors: Softline Product: Cisco ASR 5000Project date: 2011/07
Opening of new shops, permanent accumulation of professional competences and quality improvement of service demand from the company of maintenance of the high level of technology development. Growth of volume and the importance of information passing through channels of data exchange caused the need for creation of VPN infrastructure which cornerstone more powerful platform should be.
Project implementation of re: Store entrusted specialists of Softline: in the field of protection of networks the company works at the market of implementing solutions not the first year and during this time confirmed the status of professional integrator. Softline having the status Cisco Premier Partner, long-term experience of successful cooperation with vendor and extensive examination in implementation of its solutions offered re: Store the most productive platform for ensuring secure access between offices based on the products Cisco. The tasks of ensuring secure access between two offices of the company, the organization of wireless access in branch were set for a project team.
Solving of tasks was performed in several stages. At a stage of preproject inspection the analysis of the existing network infrastructure was carried out (schemes of network, address spaces of local networks, the MAC addresses of client devices, logins passwords on network access from network, etc.) and requirements to a system are defined.
The main project works started at additional office of re company: Store during which the hardware-software Cisco ASA 5500 platform combining functions of the firewall, the system of protection against invasions, means of the organization of VPN networks and the system of blocking of malware was set and configured. At head office of the company the Cisco ASA 5510 platform reaching in performance firewall mode at the level of 150 Mbit/sec. and 100 Mbit/sec. in the VPN mode was set. For ensuring data protection, transferred between offices of the company, IPsec-tunnels were set and configured. It provided enciphering of IP packets, the protected key exchange in the Internet and also integrity of transmitted data and their protection against the external attacks.
At the final stages specialists of Softline held testing of the unrolled network infrastructure and prepared necessary documentation on installed solutions for the staff of the company. As a result of project implementation IT infrastructure of the company received a single network with secure channels of access between offices and higher level of performance.
"Thanks to the advanced solutions of Cisco our client had opportunities of control of the broadest spectrum of protocols and applications, such as web, e-mail, FTP, operating systems, ICQ, etc., filterings of malware in different protocols and remote access to network resources. During the project we deeply analyzed the existing re infrastructure: Store also considered the customer's requests on ensuring its security. As a result all works were performed in the planned terms with achievement of desirable results", – Sergey Marchenko, the manager of projects of Softline company told.
"re: Store attaches great value to protection of corporate information, data transmission channels and security of IT infrastructure in general. We can entrust such tasks only to the professional companies which proved the competence in the market. We selected Softline the contractor on this project. Specialists of the company developed for us the product-based complete solution Cisco which allowed to organize uniform management of offices re: Store thanks to the organization of secure channels of communication between them", – Igor Popov, the area director of Internet sales of re says: Store Retail Group.