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The Ministry of Finance of Kamchatka Krai automates process of collecting of the budget reporting

Customers: Ministry of Finance of Kamchatka Krai

Government and social institutions

Contractors: Keysystems
Product: Keysystems: SVOD-WEB

Project date: 2011/11

The Ministry of Finance of Kamchatka Krai automates process of collecting of the budget reporting on the basis of own development of Keysystems company (Cheboksary) of the Svod-WEB PC.

System implementation of collecting of the consolidated statements "Svod-WEB" in Kamchatka Krai is complete. Thus, all regions of the Far Eastern Federal District completed transition to a complex Internet solution of Keysystems company on formation of the consolidated statements. Earlier given solution was implemented in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Primorsk and Khabarovsk edges, the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.

The popularity of the Svod-WEB system among territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is explained, first of all, by functionality of a product: an exception of need of use of the additional software at any stage of collecting of the reporting (up to delivery in Federal Treasury), a full compliance of forms of the reporting, the formats of unloading and control ratios approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, complete implementation of law 83-FZ. Based on the Svod-WEB software platform forms of the Order of Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 86n, work on which is conducted across all Russia at present, are also implemented. It should be noted that all users of this solution had basic functionality for performance of Order 86n without additional payment.