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DPC of CROC Volochayevskaya-1

Developers: Croc
Last Release Date: November, 2014
Technology: DPC


DPC "Volochayevskaya-1"

Characteristics of DPC (data for 2012)

The area of the machine hall is 300 sq.m.

The premises are expected 90 racks.

Average electric power of one rack — 6 kw.

Total power of power supply of DPC — 1 MW.

In data center all necessary engineering infrastructure is implemented. The system of precision conditioning consists of two groups of conditioners with reservation of N+1 in each group.

Continuous and autonomous power supply is performed using two power supply lines from separate transformers, two groups of sources bespe-a reboyny power supply (UPS), two electric boards in DPC. in case of the termination of external power supply own diesel-generator installation (DGI) of production a lump - paniya of Cummins with a power of 1.4 MW are undertaken by 100% of loading less than in 20 seconds. The system of physical security is implemented: for prevention nesank-cyanated access in premises the round-the-clock video surveillance is conducted, the single system of control and access control is used. The machine hall about - rudovan the gas extinguishing installation

2018: Certification in accordance with GOST P ISO 9001-2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000:2011

On July 24, 2018 the Croc company announced passing of recertification of the Management system by the data centers for IT services according to GOST P ISO standards 9001-2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000:2011.

During audit compliance to standards of services of outsourcing of DPC, the cloud and managed services provided based on network of data centers Croc, including due service quality of corporate customers, processes of operation of engineering and computing systems, feedback according to service addresses was confirmed. Read more here.

2014: Two DPCs of CROC passed to InfiniBand technologies

The virtual data center of CROC is constructed based on data centers Compressor and "Volochayevskaya-1". Earlier network infrastructures of platforms differed: "Volochayevskaya-1" it was constructed on the basis of Ethernet technology, with capacity of internal communication channels of 10 Gbit/sec., and Compressor - on InfiniBand FDR from Mellanox company (56 GB/sec.). With transition of both platforms to InfiniBand CROC became the owner of two DPCs with identical infrastructures that significantly simplified service of the used equipment. Changes opened new opportunities and for customers of CROC: now they can build disaster-proof solutions with an uncompromising performance as the main, and reserve data center.

"This project allowed us to increase network transmission capacity five times, to reduce by two orders response time of storage systems, or so-called latency of network. As a result of about 70 customers renting about 500 virtual machines in the cloud platform on Volochayevkoy-1 received much more productive services. At the same time transition was performed without interruption of work of "cloud", online, that it is quite possible to compare to repair of the engine on the run", - Zayedinov Ruslan, the deputy CEO, the head of DPC and cloud computing of CROC company comments.
"The solutions InfiniBand of Mellanox increase reliability and network transmission capacity, increase the speed of a response of applications. The network switches and Mellanox adapters used in the project give the chance to integrate Ethernet and InfiniBand in one general network segment. Therefore transition from one technology to another was rather transparent, and did not demand a stop of the cloud services rented by customers of CROC", - Ziskind Leonid, the chief representative of Mellanox in Russia and the CIS says.