Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Bank of Moscow bought licenses and technical support services of Oracle for $1.4 million

Customers: BM-Bank Russia

Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing

Contractors: RDTECH
Product: Oracle Database 11g
На базе: Oracle Database

Project date: 2012/09  - 2017/02


2016: Purchase of licenses and technical support services of Oracle for $1.4 million

In February, 2016 Bank of Moscow summed up the quotation request results on providing software of Oracle. The customer needed 40 licenses for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition DBMS and as much certificates of annual technical support for this system. The initial cost of the contract was $1.46 million.[1]

Applications for participation were submitted by 4 companies: FORS group, "Borlas Consulting group", Croc and RDTECH. The last was recognized by the winner. The total cost of the agreement was reduced to $1.39 million.

Acquisition of licenses and technical support services of Oracle happened within the 3 lot purchase. On two other lots the customer was going to receive software of IBM and the certificate of technical support of Red Hat.

2012: Migration of Oracle DBMS on the new version

The company RDTECH completed project implementation of migration of the database on the new version DBMS Oracle - Oracle 11g the press service of integrator reported on October 4, 2012. The project is executed by experts RDTECH jointly with the specialists of Bank responsible for support of work of databases.


For the purpose of improvement of service quality and increase in efficiency of services of information support Bank of Moscow initiated transition of a management system of the central banking system to the new version of Oracle DBMS. Bank of Moscow charged carrying out migration to the old Partner – RDTECH company together with which both similar projects, and works on creation and implementation of the analytical systems were executed earlier.


Before migration the command RDTECH jointly with specialists of Bank spent a full stroke of the preparatory work directed to minimization of possible risks and obtaining the maximum result according to the results of the project. Carrying out stress testing in test zone DB after migration on version 11g became one of important milestones at this stage.

Vladimir Mishugin, the vice president of JSC Bank of Moscow, told of the project: "It should be noted that the project promised to be very difficult - our DB of rather large volume and worked at the ninth version. Migration through the version – process extremely difficult and heavy that had to affect both migration preparation terms, and duration of the process. Professionalism of a joint project team allowed to bypass these obstacles. Thus, the project allowed not only to increase the level of availability and controllability of the central systems that is extremely important for universal bank, but also considerably reduced the risks of ensuring continuity connected with use of outdated, unsupported platforms. I thank a joint project team for high quality work!"
Pavel Shmelyov, the director of the Center of technical consulting RDTECH, noted: "Joint work RDTECH and Bank of Moscow began in 1999. And the project on migration on the new version of DBMS is the next stage of our cooperation within permanent development of a complex of information systems of Bank. We are glad that 13 years we can already be proud of productive work and fine relationship with our Customer".
