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Cloud Computing






The Cloud Computing specializes in organizing and hosting private clouds and client IT infrastructures on its own platform, as well as on Microsoft's Windows Azure platform . The company ensures the security of customer data and quality standards in accordance with the terms of the SLA. The developed partner program of Oblakotek provides an opportunity for business development for IT professionals. The Cloud Computing is part of the MONT group of companies .


2024: Participation in TAdviser Cloud Day

The Cloud Computing host Russian cloudy provider will participate in TAdviser CLOUD DAY 2024. This important event will be a platform for announcing new features of Cloud Library services: 100% import-substituted cloud based and - KVM PaaS services for developers. Read more here.

2020: TAdviser interview with CEO Maxim Zakharenko

In April 2020, Maxim Zakharenko, CEO of Cloud Computing, told TAdviser why IT life during and after the pandemic will be associated with clouds. Read more here.

Partner Program Cloud Computing

Шаблон:Main 'Cloud Computing Program