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Баннер в шапке 2


Zakharenko Maxims
Zakharenko Maxims


Maxim was born on July 14, 1972 in Moscow.

In 1989 he graduated from school number 748.

In 1993 he was educated at Moscow State University.

In 1995, he completed the course at Moscow State University of VMiK.

From 1992 to 1995 he worked for Garant-Service.

In 1999 and until 2012, he worked as the head of the direction at the LLC. Guarantor-Park-Internet

In 2012, he began working for the Cloud Computing company.

As of November 14, 2016, Maxim Zakharenko works as the general director of the Cloud Computing company.

2020: TAdviser interview

In April 2020, Maxim Zakharenko, CEO of Cloud Computing, told TAdviser why IT life during and after the pandemic will be associated with clouds. Read more here.

2024: TAdviser interview

The cloud market is growing by 20-30% per year, and competition in it is intensifying. What are the trends and prospects of the Russian cloud market, due to what innovations the cloud service "Cloud Computing" wins the competition and why it prefers not to interact with end users, said Maxim Zakharenko, CEO of "Oblakotek." Read more here.


Married. Two daughters.


Travel. Fishing.

Photos of the Maxim Zakharenko