Customers: Trans-Taym Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: SCOUT - Satellite Control, Analytics and Control of TransportНа базе: GLONASS Project date: 2013/02 - 2013/03
Number of licenses: 70
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The First BIT company implemented for Trans-Taym LLC the project on equipping by the GPS system of 70 pieces of equipment, the company integrator reported on April 3, 2013. On
The management of "Trans-Taym" made the decision to implement a monitoring system of transport and to install tachographs for the purpose of improvement of a possibility of monitoring systems and the reporting in the organization.
Within the project the company contractor made installation on motor transport of transport terminals SCOUT MT-510, SCOUT MT-530, tachographs A-001 Mercury on the customer's machines, configured own server of monitoring of transport.
System implementation of monitoring of transport allowed to define more precisely compliance of planned and actual routes. The operational reporting on passing of geozones and obtaining exact information on style of driving of workers became possible. According to the results of application of a monitoring system in a complex with the additional hinged hardware on control of fuel, costs for fuel and lubricants and service of motor transport decreased by 30%.
Sergey Yablokov, the deputy CEO of Trans-Taym LLC, noted: "The First BIT company offered us a wide choice of the equipment from different producers. The selected software and the equipment expanded possibilities of monitoring on routes, allowed to create the most optimal runs of delivery, to control fuel consumption and to reduce the overestimated regulations on fuel and lubricants that leads to increase in efficiency of dispatching department and promotes production capacity planning. We express gratitude to The First BIT company for fast and high-quality work on the GPS equipment of vehicle fleet and personnel training".