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The Ministry of Health migrates on cloud EDMS

Customers: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health)

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Project date: 2013/04
Project's budget: About 19 million rubles руб.
Number of licenses: 500

At the beginning of April, 2013 the Ministry of Health announced competition on rendering services in connection of department and its structural divisions to service of electronic document management according to the SaaS model and migration in it of data from the operating automated system of accounting and control of execution of documents (UKID).

UKID is used in the ministry since the beginning of the 2000th and provides accounting of government, departmental correspondence, citizens' appeals and processing of applications from them arriving from the portal of the Ministry of Health, processing of correspondence arriving on channels of interdepartmental electronic document management, reporting according to the statistics executions of documents and some other functions.

After reorganization of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, UKID continues to work both in the Ministry of Health, and in the selected Ministersta of work and social protection.

As it appears from the tender documentation, service should be based in DPC of the supplier of this service. In addition to basic functions on workflow automation cloud EDMS should provide a possibility of differentiation of access rights to electronic documents, a possibility of interaction with infrastructure of the electronic government, including SIEI and also to contain function of the automated workplace of the head on the IOS platform.

The last is meant as a specialized workplace for the solution of standard managerial tasks of heads of the top and average management, such as pronouncement of resolutions on the document, approval and signing of documents and their search.

About 500 employees of the Ministry of Health and its structural divisions will be connected to a system, follows from the tender documentation. The configuration of the hardware of service should provide a possibility of simultaneous operation in it such number of users and storage to 20 million documents.

Completion of works on connection of users to cloud EDMS and data migration in it their UKID is expected in December, 2013, and the maximum amount which the Ministry of Health is ready to pay for services makes 19 million rubles.

With "stationary" EDMS on cloud can call transition a trend in state departments: in 2012, for example, performed it the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, connected to cloud EDMS "Practice" and also the IT department of Moscow which signed about 25 thousand employees of the city government on the same solution.